Prologue 🖤

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,,As I expected, you'll be here, daughter", my father approaches me and smiles warmly. Wladimir Wolkow is a man in his early fifties, running the world famous IT and hacking company ,,WolkowTech". I wave my hand and return his smile:,,Good evening, father."

Every month, my father makes a company gathering in form of a party. I look around the grand and opulent ballroom, looking at the golden columns and the plain white walls with crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling.

Then my gaze wanders back to my dad. He is wearing a black suit. ,,We have some important issues to discuss, (Y/N)", my father says and takes a glass of wine from a nearby tray. He brings the glass to his lips and takes a sip.

,,What is the matter?", I ask curiously and raise an eyebrow. He sighs and runs a hand over his black hair. Then he lowers his voice and speaks in Russian:,,Let's go somewhere private."

I feel a little uneasy and swallow but I nod and follow him to a room. He closes the door behind me and looks at me for a while. Then he exhales and looks away:,,There is something going on in Japan.."

I sit down on a nearby chair and listen carefully:,,Mhm..." ,,There has been more than 100 reported deaths. The victims, who were felonies by the way, have died because of heart failure", my father looks at me.

What? That's crazy... I raise my eyebrows and shrug my shoulders:,,And? I don't see what you're getting at." ,,The Interpol will hold a conference because it's obviously very weird that so many victims have died of the same thing. There is a rumour that someone is the cause of their deaths", my father says and looks out of the window.

,,I see... It is indeed weird but it could also be a crazy coincidence. How should someone cause heart failure to people? I don't understand how someone should be behind all these deaths..", I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

,,I don't know either, (Y/N)... And I actually don't even want to be part of this but we were invited to the Interpol conference..", my father says a little annoyed and looks at me.

What? We are invited? Why? We're not even corporating with the police... I don't... ,,But father... We have nothing to do with the police. Why should we take part in the conference? Isn't that a issue the police has to solve?"

There is silence for a while. Then my father clears his throat:,,I know. But since my company is known as the best hacking and IT company over the globe, they have begged me to participate. Since I can't go because I have too much work to do..."

He looks at me. My heart skips a beat. No. This can't be true. ,,You'll have to go instead of me", my father says, saying what I didn't wanted to hear. My heart sinks and I bite my bottom lip. Arguing with my father was like arguing with a wall. So what he tells me to do, is what has to be done.

I sigh and speak, my voice being a little shaky:,,Fine." ,,Perfect. You'll take the flight tomorrow and I'll send some bodyguards with you. I believe in you, (Y/N). You're one of the best hackers I know", my father places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it reassuringly.

My head jerks up and I look up at him in surprise, not being used to hearing compliments from my father:,,Thanks dad, I'll try my best." My father smiles warmly and brings his hand which was on my shoulder to his side:,,Good. You'll get the rest of the infos tomorrow. You can go back to the party now."

I nod and stand up, walking towards the door. ,,Wait, (Y/N)", my father suddenly says. I turn around and look at him. ,,Be careful", he looks at me a little worried. My heart aches a little and I sigh:,,I will, father."

Then I walk out, back to the party, my mind being full with questions. I sigh and shake them off. Whatever will await me, I'm ready for it.

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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