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Zuheila's pov

I can't believe am actually leaving for further studies! I was so used to the feeling of home where I could get the support I needed all the time.

My family was one that I could count on, my mom who was my best friend.

My two sisters, though older, were always there for me.I knew I was going to miss my family yet I could not turn down the turkish educational aid that I got.
I had waited for this opportunity for almost two years now. I wanted this so bad because it was going to save my family from our financial strains.

Things had gone from bad to worse ever since our dad married Amran, out stepmother.
Atleast he came out clear with it because it cleared our doubts.

My mom had noticed the family income was dwindling slowly. It had halfed suddenly, we were almost straining to even afford the basic household necessities.
He was moody all the time and he came home late.

Mom had to work extra hard to support the family amd approaching dad was like fighting an angered lioness.

"Hamdi, for how long will we be in this state? "

"Hamdi I asked a question!"mom thundered again.

Dad was silent again, I had to intervene else it would trigger her migraine.

My elder sisters were all married and l was there to help mom all the time . She was never the type to tell her problems, it took my sisters long to realise that our dad was having a second affair and automatically it came as a shocker to them when they learnt of his second marriage.
Mom never told them anything and she made me swear not to open my mouth.I heeded.

I had a month before I could leave for my studies and I decided to spend it with my mom and my bestie zay.

Zay was a bundle of a mess of late. She looked lost and stressed. I could not understand her situation and this month was my month to bond with her.

Yes, I had to help her deal with her situation as much as mine equaled it too.
Well I aint sure whether it equaled zay but the decision I took was one that helped me and zakir.

*****Down memory lane****
I and zakir met two years ago in 1993.
I was working in our hotel after I cleared highschool.
Mom needed my help since it was almost Christmas and most of the hotel workers had gone for their break.
I decided to help her untill January when the workers were back.

The hotel was popular amongst the young university students. It made me look forward to waking up everyday.

The hotel flocked with young men of all kinds, most were bachelors (I could tel from their dressing)

That very day I had woken up feeling revived.
I insisted more on my makeup which enhanced my beuty.
I went to mom's room and found her still in bed.

"Mom, you aint coming to work today? "

"No darling, my migraine is too much "

I looked at her face, she looked so drained.
I tried massaging hee head but she winced in pain.

I left after I left her pills on her bedside.

My first customer was a young handsome man who was a common visitor.
On many occasions noticed h darting a glance or two and I turned red.
Today he was a little bit earlier and he was not in the large company of boys as he always was. (I am surprised I noticed all this about him)

"Do I look that handsome Zuheila?"
I immediately dropped his hand, I can't believe I was holding it for that long

"Uuummh, sorry...eerr...."

"Its okay, you dont have to be nervous"

My face got pale and I suddenly felt weak.The guy knew my name!

"I am zakir" he said

"Well, nice meeting you zakir" I said nervously

"I am a student in the neighbouring school doing my degree in medicine, am almost done now"

He was talking so confidently as if he knew me for years.
Well that kind off easened the tension.

I was blank and I started twisting the edge of my scarf, I was sweating!

After I told him that i was all alone for the day, he gladly joined me since he had no classes that day.

The day went on so fast and it was time to close the hotel.
We said goodbye, I heard slightly over come the tension.
I left with his contact safely in my phone and you can bet what happened immediately I arrivee home!

The rest is something I can't even put in words........

"Ahmad!, explain what is in that parcel now!"

"Mom its a wrong delivery, I mean how many Ahmads' do we have around? "

"But the delivery guy had your photo and that's why he left after he ensured its your home!"
"Tell me you ain't in bad company mom, please son, i care for you"

I made mom cry again but i did not care anybit.
I had to find a way to make money and it had to be fast because the financial support mom gave was not enough to give me the kind of luxury I wanted.

I was angry at the guy, how could he live such a vital parcel with my mom.
I thanked Allah she did not open or else she would have gotten a stroke.

The kind of business I indulged into helped manage to pay my rent when it was my turn and get the stuff I needed for an upkeep, but all this was out of my mom's knowledge.

I supported her when she needed some helpand she never questioned anything.

I got spared with my lame excuses that I was working on a business project which earned me a fortune.

Mom knew I was a hardworking guy and that helped me escape the situation.
But for how long would it go on!
I knew it was a risky business but I was ready.

I had to impress zay, she was the only thing that kept me moving.
I would never give up, I have to impress her whatever the cost

What happened to those good old days when you would sing me a serenade

What happened to those times you would ask me out twice a week

Why do you hate me so much, what replaced the love my dear
Life was an apple pie when u joined the chapter

And now its a bitter lemon! Come back song, dress me in a white gown......walk down the isle and just say I do!

Hi guys, the chapter is unedited, i wrote it in such a short span so please understand

Kindly read and vote, dont be a silent reader.

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