Chapter 3: The Devil You Don't Know

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: We are back with another chapter of The Temporary Spouse! And this time we get to see Tony and Kendis meet! I just want to take a brief moment to thank all of you that have left kudos, who bookmarked, and left comments. This means the world to me. When I posted this story I was terrified no one would like it but here we are quickly getting close to 50 kudos! Thank you so much!

Featured Charities: This chapter I am featuring the trans charity which fights against the anti-trans laws that are sweeping the UK right now and also gives valuable resources to the trans community. And the Go Fund Me this week is for Damien a transgender man living in Edinburgh and who has been on an NHS waiting list for five years.  


Kendis could feel eyes on them as they walked to the bar. In hindsight, Kendis should have expected that. They had spent five minutes stripping to Jimi Hendrix, so, of course, people would assume that they were a dancer.

Kendis did the best they could to ignore the stares and waved down the bartender.

"Nice set," the bartender said. "What can I get you?"

Kendis ordered the drinks for their table. The music changed to some upbeat K-pop song and even though they were winded a bit from the impromptu pole dance, it still made them want to move their body to the beat.

Kendis was bobbing their head to the music when they noticed a man take a seat at the bar.

Kendis pointedly ignored them, their fingers tapping on the bar.

"I haven't seen you around here before." The man finally spoke.

Kendis kept their attention on the bartender, who was filling their order, and shrugged. "I'm just visiting."

"Well, I was hoping to spend a little time with you."

Kendis snorted and turned to the man. He was a white man, about a few inches taller than Kendis [five foot seven in meters]. He had dark brown spiky hair, a neatly manicured beard, and a roguish grin that made their heart speed up.

He was obviously rich, and not afraid to flaunt it in his three-piece bespoke Tom Ford suit and Italian loafers that probably cost more than most people's monthly rent.

"Is that the best you got?" Kendis snorted.

"Darling, I can promise you I only touched the surface."

Kendis licked their lips and tried to ignore the zing of arousal that traveled down their body at hearing that.

'I really need to get laid,' Kendis thought to themself. It had been almost a year since their last encounter, and they had to be hard up if they were getting this thirsty over a stranger.

The man was handsome, but there was no way Kendis should have been this affected by him. Hell, they had spent most of their adult life in Los Angeles and in that city, handsome men were a dime a dozen.

Lucky for Kendis, the bartender came back with a tray of drinks.

"Thanks," Kendis said as they reached into their wallet to pay. The man slapped a Black Amex on the bar.

"I'm paying for the pretty lady."

Kendis winced. "Not a woman."

The two men blinked at them, and then their intruder's eyebrow rose.

"Well, I'm paying for this person." The man corrected easily with a shrug.

"No, I can pay--"


The Temporary Spouse (Harry Potter X Tony Stark)Where stories live. Discover now