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Jimin stands out in the front of the house, letting the sun soak into his skin. It was finally the day.

He had moved away from the city and decided to settle into a town he had never heard of before spotting his beloved new house online.

He had been in town for about a week now, finally waiting to be given the green light to move into the cottage.

Jimin already organised work and became somewhat friendly with a staff member. He has organised for groceries to be dropped off later in the day so that he wouldn't have to worry about not having food.

He has just gotten back to the rental house he was staying in to get the remainder of his things, then he was heading out to the house to greet the movers.

He was excited, to say the least.

He had the car packed, now all he was waiting on, was his new friend, who insisted on helping him get settled in.

He stood against his car, phone in hand as he types out a message to his cousin, just to let her know that he is okay and that he'll call her sometime later when he is properly settled in.

Jimin hears a car horn and he turns to see a car pulling up behind him. He smiles softly as he spots his new friend getting out of the passenger seat.

"Hyung" Jimin calls as he walks closer to the taller male. "Hey min, are you ready?" Namjoon questions happily, pushing his sunglasses up on top of his head so that he can look at Jimin better.

"Of course, Just follow behind me" Namjoon nodded as he got back into the car, talking to the person in the drivers seat. Jimin assumes it is the boyfriend he has heard so much about within only a couple of days.

Jimin rushes back to his own car and gets into the drivers seat. He buckles himself in and turns to the screen to turn on the gps. He wants to say he knows how to get there but it's on just to be sure.

He then turns his music on quietly as background noise before he finally takes off from the curb.

He enjoys the peaceful 20 minute drive through town before they start heading towards the woods. Jimin's cottage is just on the outskirts of the woods.

He squeals quietly to himself as he takes the turn for his driveway, seeing the house in the short distance and a smile graces his face.

He drives up the dirt road until he gets to the stone car ports. He parks into the closest one to the house and turns off his car.

The other car stopped a little behind his, so that he was able to access the boot of the car.

Namjoon quickly gets out with another male in tow. "Wow, this house is nice" the strange male lets out happily, looking up at the two story building.

"The front garden is a little overgrown but it won't take me long to fix it up" Jimin says as he takes a moment to look around as well.

"This is my first big adult purchase and honestly i couldn't be happier" Jimin adds on, Namjoon came over to gently grab his shoulder to give it a supportive squeeze.

"Let's get you settled in then" the bigger male says, removing his hand and clapping them together once.

"Sure, but how about you introduce your boyfriend to me first" Jimin now turns towards the two males with him.

"Ahh, sorry" Namjoon rubs a hand awkwardly against the top of his head.

"Jimin, this is my boyfriend, Hoseok" Namjoon gestures wraps his arm around Hoseok's waist and pulled him closer to his body.

"It's nice to meet you Hoseok-ssi, your boyfriend talks about you a lot" Jimin giggles, he extends his hand out to Hoseok.

Hoseok grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug instead. "If you're friends with him then we'll get along really well, you can just address me as hyung as well" Hobi says before pulling away from the hug.

"Here comes the moving truck" Namjoon breaks up the little moment, as his eyes move towards the small truck that was coming down the dirt road that they just previously drove down.

"Awesome, right on time, let me just go and unlock the house. Might be easier to just take the stuff through the sun room, the doors are bigger" Jimin suggests before he rushes down the stone pathway to the front door.

When he comes out of the house, he comes from the sun room that is off to the side, opening the double doors.

He greets the movers then instructs them towards the sunroom and lets them get to work. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin start off by grabbing the boxes from Jimin's car and takes those through the single front door and pops them off in the living room to the right side.

They work for a while, the movers empty their truck then help to move the big furniture into the right rooms before they head off and leave the three males to finish it off.

Jimin still needed to buy a few things for the house but he was overly happy with what he had so far.

They trio finish up just around dinner time. Hoseok and Namjoon both give Jimin a hug each before saying their goodbyes and leaving for the night.

Jimin is grateful towards them for helping as much as they did, what he did have seemed to be mostly set up, just needs to finish off a few more boxes and his suitcases.

However, he decides to finish those off slowly, hes got the main things sorted, he can take his time with the rest.

Jimin decides to just order takeaway to be delivered to his house, since by the time he is ready to eat again, his groceries still haven't arrived.

He was so ready to retire in for the night. He was definitely going to hurt in the morning when he has to get up for work.

That night, Jimin had the best sleep he has had in a while.


AN : hello loves

So, what do you guys think of this fic so far?

I do hope you guys enjoy reading :)

have a good day/night. Stay safe and healthy.

Lee out 🫶

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