Chapter 4 Beneath the mask says all.

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In this time of night where the sky shines dimly, the archer carried Lydia wile jumping from one building to another, holding on tightly to the Archer, the hurt rollerblader squeezes her eyes shut, she didn't want to open her eyes, nor did she want to look down. The archer kept on jumping to another building and another making Lydia more afraid to look down the moment she opened her left eye, the hooded archer sees that Lydia has a fear of heights, so she stopped jumping to another building and settled down on the rooftop, where he took a little break. She then puts Lydia down gently where she can lean on a wall behind her and catch her breath, so that her pain won't get worse. And then she readied his aid kit and bandaged her right arm slowly and steadily.

When one small mistake was made, Lydia flinched. "Ow." "It hurts"

"Sorry, I'm not so good at band aiding arms." The archer apologized trying to be careful. "A friend of mine did this for me way before, so I thought I would do the same."

"Well... at least you're trying to" groaned Lydia. As slow and as careful, the hooded Archer takes her time to band aid her roller-skating patient, Lydia did her best not to move while her arm is wrapped with it. Once She is done, Lydia tightens her bandage by herself, after that the archer carries Lydia as she walks to the cupola reaching her hand to the doorknob when she stopped as Lydia speaks.

"So, what brings you here?"

"The same reason to why you're here." Replied the archer, and then she talks back "One of the police officers from my old neighborhood also have the same case as you and Jordan have."

"Wait you know Jordan?"

"More than you know him in the list." The archer replied as she goes to open her door walk inside the cupola and close the door, walking down the stairs quietly. Lydia was intrigued to know who it was behind her hood, however since time isn't long for her to search for answers, she also has other responsibilities to do Just as the archer promised to Jordan, Lydia is now lying down on the hospital bed watching the sky through the window, she picks up an advanced technological phone of which she designed herself to call up her trust worthy allies from outside Earth, one of those is named Kaius, Kaius Nova. Commander of a secret agency of allies and Lydia's close teammate. "So." He spoke with informative "How'd the mission go?"

"I was close, but then failed," said Lydia. "Frostbite's skill is much like a rollerblader, only his speed is unlike anything I've seen."

"Okay." Replied Commander Kaius "Anything else you've gotten about your target?"

"Not much. All I know now is that he is a bigger threat than read in his records, considering the hundred lives he's taken these past few months, and the sites destroyed, one of those include my college building. Good news is no one got hurt."

Commander Kaius sighed at the failure to finish the mission but is glad to hear no one got hurt. "So far the situation has dropped down, though that doesn't mean your guard shouldn't."

"Right now, I need your help commander." Lydia begged commander Kaius, she needed some advice to catch their criminal, but Commander Kaius instead asked her a question unrelated to the current situation.

"What are we really trying to solve here Lydia?"

"Come again?" she asked.

"You were distracted that time kid; I know that because you let your emotions best you. Did something happen between you and that boy?"

"What? No of course not commander." She denied with roll on her eyes when she's asked another irrelevant question. Kaius then sighed and then he spoke. "Lydia, I know there is something going on the moment you stepped into college, I know he's there, and it bothered you."

"Commander." Lydia did not like to open up as it is not important for her to discuss about. "There are other things much bigger than my boy problems."

"Okay, but whatever it is going on I won't try to lecture you about it. You have to figure it out on your own. I'll be signing off, be seeing you soon cadet." And with this Commander Kaius cut off communications with his teammate leaving Lydia to lie down with frustration, and then suddenly it hit her. Lydia thought she might have failed because of what she saw behind his mask. Sure, it was only a faceplate. She recognized Frostbite's eye color but never his whole face, this could be one of the reasons why. Concurrently among the building tops, an Axe wielder watches over Los Angeles in case of any further damage that had been caused. Spectating each street and each building and each area like Batman (If Batman had a bag full of evolutionary weapons.) Like Lydia he is a guardian agent, only he is vigilant and behind his hood is the young friendly carpenter Axe, though tonight he is extremely cautious, but not just because of Frostbite, with him he holds a wanted sign that has the photo of Lydia in her mask, however he is not aware of her identity.

"I know you're out there." He huffed. "Your tracks lead me here. I'll soon find you and when I do." And then he lets go of the sign and lets the wind blow it away and then continued "I'll put you in your place." As tough as stone, Axe still had his feelings expressed whenever he thinks about his best friend, believing he lost her because of the masked spy. Having no choice but to put his past aside, he allowed his strong and controlled emotions to keep him focused on one goal.

Lydia is now allowed to leave the hospital but with Jordan to accompany, she is thankful enough to him for at least caring for her as his friend even if they are not close as one. And during that night, Lydia sees a small figure of the Axe Wielder on the building top and watch him walk away detected by her two own eyes. Jordan is not aware of the figure, and he thought that was someone else, his vision however senses danger of which might arrive much sooner in the same city than anticipated, forcing Jordan to think otherwise.

"We have to get going." Hurried Jordan "Don't want to be late the first day."

And in a rush, Jordanmumbles his words that release a blue and green flare that sends them both backto Heroics Academy. Lydia was not surprised they would arrive. She and Jordanwalked right inside the condo to their doorsteps where they would tell eachother to have a good night and enter their assigned dorm rooms. 

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