Chapter 7 Attack of the Weapons Master/Guardian in Black and Green

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After hours of college time, the sun has set and the night sky shines. Lydia is back to pursue her mission in hunting down Frostbite, only this time she goes alone. One loud crash was made, and it alerts her to him, so she raced down the building to the road skating to where the crash occurred. Meanwhile in the middle of the path walk where she passed by Axe has his eyes locked on his target as he hid among the building, after she had gone in a distant, He remained vigilant and then ran to the other side of the pathway, which also leads him to the same crash site. There, Lydia was the first to find a police car crash in ice. If her prediction was right, he must be here somewhere near, then one night an axe was thrown directly to her head, she had to bend over backwards to dodge, it then flew back, which she quickly reacted by jumping up. The blade nearly touched the tip of her shoes, but she was lucky to have survive such throw. The axe that ambushed was being flown directly to the vigilante who swiftly grabbed its handle with his left hand. Lydia was in utter shock, and mostly aghast, seeing a man from the top floor of the building, carrying an axe and a bag of weapons. He jumped down and landed gracefully with the impact on the floor, in such sudden he approached to Lydia as a friend who comes in peace. "Need some help fella?" and then she nodded. Axe as a vigilante and Lydia as the girl in the mask shook hands and made peace with each other, but they're not aware of their identities which is the least of their concerns. A chilling blast of ice was fired directly to Axe but was blocked by the shield he pulled out. Frostbite's eyes widened. And in an unexpected turn he threw his shield straight to Frostbite which he tried blocked with his barrier built in solid hard rock ice, only for it to break in half and hit his robotic face plate. It was in that moment that Frostbite has found another worthy hunter to run from or kill.

"Catch me if you can." Frostbite huffed and then skated his way from Axe, and Lydia. And the two went separate ways to find and capture the iced rollerblader. Around the city they go and through the dark they follow, Lydia heads left and right, Frostbite avoids right at front and back, and Axe runs to building after building. Meeting face to face, Lydia, and Frostbite race each other yet again. Zooming from one road after another, heading neck to neck and rampaging each other with one element after another. The Racers are so focused on each other on who wins that they both didn't see the vigilante ready his bow and arrow, which he pulled pretty quick from his bag. Axe readied his weapon, puts the arrow on the bow's string pulls it and aims carefully at one of the racers skating against one another. So, when his target is clear, Axe lets go, firing the arrow straight to Frostbite. The arrow's sharp metal edge pierced Frostbite's left side of his stomach causing him to trip and fall. Lydia stopped as she noticed that her target is now down and will soon be taken prisoner. She had Axe to thank for, but something else came to mind that she found suspicious. Axe readies his bow and arrow pointing at Lydia.

"Umm... Hey, our target is down, the mission is complete." Said Lydia not understanding what was going on. And Axe replied with the killer instinct in his eyes.

"Mission, you say. Well, I have a mission of my own, to hunt down and kill criminals. Criminals like him, and...." He then pulled the string further and said one word "You." For the first time Lydia discovered that she was one of the vigilante's targets, the word and how he used it in deep anger and focus had her heart racing.

"I hope you remember what you caused to end up in the wanted list. The fire accident back at a small-town in South Korea? the murder of a 13-year-old girl, Lydia Harrison?!" and it was then, that Lydia found out of the vigilante's identity, the way he took it personally and such hatred for her in the mask says it all. She tried to explain to him that it was an accident, but he refused to believe that, because he does not know that the person wearing the mask was her. Axe did not hesitate to fire his arrow and ambush her like a bull, firstly Lydia has to catch Frostbite and now she has to fight someone who's been trained to hunt her down. There combat with another clashed like the swords they are. The move they threw at one another is as blazing as the sharp blades, just as fatal as the flames. While Lydia is fighting for her life, Frostbite gets up and only watches her battle with Axe to see if she will fall or not, but despite that, he knows Axe is not his ally either considering that he was shot on the stomach by his arrow, so he avoids them both while enjoying it like a show at the same time. He sees Axe carry out his cross-guard and swings it to Lydia which she dodges quickly. Surely Lydia is fast, but so is Axe. He then throws the sword which she then takes and uses for her defense, however Axe still had a few weapons in his bag, he pulls out a spear as his next item to use and when he uses it, the movement of attacks are much quicker due to its light weight, unlike the cross-guard. Eventually he switches to his bow and arrow, firing them at her again. Lydia had to react quickly, if she didn't want to get shot, so Lydia skates to the right dodging every arrow that was fired, this has gone as planned for Axe. Without knowing his next move Axe calculated Lydia's velocity and his own accuracy if he were to fire a moving target, he aims at the building first, then waits for his opponent to run into the exact spot. He took his time to hold his arrow, and when Lydia was fast approaching clockwise to his desired point, he lets go, firing his arrow heading straight to Lydia. However, his arrow didn't reach to Lydia, a small glace of ice spread to the arrow, particle after particle the ice continued to spread like a virus freezing it making the arrow fragile enough to break like glass. Axe was in a huge shock to see his arrow fail to hit Lydia and realize Frostbite being alive. Healing the wound with his own cryo, Frostbite laughed at the sight of his own blood when he pulled out Axe's arrow.

"You fight good tonight, Solomon." He complimented with his cold breath. "So clever of you to calculate the distance and analyze your accuracy to shoot your target. Absolutely smart, although you forgot one detail about your prey which is a big mistake to realize. I mean you know I could heal myself, right?"

"Not if you're dead Cold smoke." Axe replied with the fire of his words that leave his mouth as he carries his axe once again.

"Well, you should have chopped my head off earlier." Frostbite roasted back. (For a half superhuman with ice abilities) with all being said Frostbite then freezes the bottom part of the building, turning it to ice, weakening its hardness, slowly breaking it until it will fall.

Frostbite with his last smile leaves them with the frozen parts of the building cracking, Lydia decides to melt it down with her blue flames, although it works, the situation just gets worse for them when the walls started melting as well. The people inside the building are witnessing this freezing accident slowly turn into a quick crash of fate, Lydia was in panic, and Axe tells her to stop, knowing what damage the hot temperatures of blue fire might bring. And when she stopes the building makes its cracks bigger and bigger, until the cracked walls connected with one another. Suddenly a guardian in black and green blew passed by them and entered the building at ease. Lydia and Axe were in great shock. The speed he is on reached the highest speeds of light, so fast even the naked eye didn't see it coming, in a more surprising turn, The guardian in black and green saved the people in the building in less than a second, the building starts to fall and fall down at Lydia, Axe, the citizens and The guardian in black, but he stopped it with psychic at ease with the palm of his left hand, he lifts them up like papers and brings it down slowly somewhere safer. And then he asked gently "Are you guys okay." And the citizens are fine and well, safe with no injury on their body." Glad that no one from the building was hurt, the guardian in black and green, dashed away in the fastest speed ever, leaving Lydia and Axe speechless. Lydia disappeared in the crowd full of other people chattering about the incident they witnessed, and Axe left the scene later on. Leaving Lynn in her purple hood carrying her bow and arrow arriving at it very late, and when the police arrived to check on the survivors, she asked one of them.

"What happened here?"

"We received a message from our emergency signal about the vigilantes, Frostbite as we know caused the building to fall then the other was burning the ice down with her blue flames, only making it worse. then some guardian in black and green saved their lives from a falling building."

"Black and green?"

"Yeah." "Like all other vigilantes we still can't trust him, unless we have proof that he's not a threat, even for the rest of these so-called heroes."

"Understood sir."

"Could you do us a favor and, try to find their identities for me?" The favor he requested to Lynn is probably what left her speechless, she fears that she might betray her own friend. Sure, finding the others' identities is an easy task, but to expose one of them, not so much. Since Jordan is one of those vigilantes in Los Angeles, she knew she would turn her back on the people who depended on her, mainly the police.

"S-sure" She stammered,taking the files given to her.

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