Viewers love him or You Love him ?

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Ughh so where to start so things have been going good with Monty we have been hanging with the guys we have mostly been hanging out at my place or we go to Jakobs if his Momma isn't home and hit the pool. Lots of drinking and beer pong and lots of fucking Monty thank Fuck! Monty came up with a great idea that whatever toy we use while fucking and recording to post a link of it in the comments and to make an online store for Maverick Boutique! It has been doing great to where on some of my slow days at the shop I'll close early and either hang with the guys or just with Monty. Tonight it's just me and Monty. Not going to lie it's been nice having friends again. After everything in New York I lost pretty much everyone but except for Maylee. May has been there for me thru everything.

Baseball season is about to start it's there Junior year but they are on the Varsity team so they are always practicing. Ha I'm friends with Varsity football and baseball players so hot! Tonight's my night with just Monty he's suppose to come over after Baseball practice that's usually over around 5pm. Around 5:15pm I shoot him a text asking if he was on his way yet or if I have time to run to the corner store for beer and snacks. He reply's pretty quick saying practice ran over a little bit but that he was on his way home to shower real quick and to grab a few things . Mmmm don't shower come over in your practice uniform all dirty and sweaty I reply back. I quickly run to the corner store and hurry back home pop the beer in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer.

Trying  to be cheeky I run downstairs to the lingerie and dress up section of the boutique looking for something fun to surprise him with. I contemplate on whether to be a slutty baseball player or a slutty cheerleader. I decided to go with the traditional slutty cheerleader. I think I will save the slutty baseball player for his first baseball game of the season. I run back upstairs and jump in the shower. I decide to get some sexy soapy suds pics quickly get out of the shower and dry off and get dressed fixing my hair. I head to the living room and wait for Monty. When Maylee decides to FaceTime me. We both shriek with excitement to see each other on the phone she has been opening her new strip club a couple hours away. I hear the music and the club lighting and the bottle service girls walking around things look good! Yes they are and I see I called the right person I was in need of some cheering up from my favorite cheerleader May said laughing. Is this some special request from one of your viewers or what. I laugh telling her no it's for Monty. Who she said clueless?  The guy from the party when I moved into town. Damn Mav I never thought I would see the day that you would settle down and be dick whipped by some guy. I quickly defend myself umm no he's a great fuck he really is but the viewer really love him and he's chill to hang with. The viewers love him or you love him she said in question when I hear a knock at the door I tell her to shut up she said love you bitch come visit me soon and hung up the call.

I quickly get up and answer the door and see my hot fuck toy all sweaty and dirty in his baseball uniform I was so busy fucking him with my eyes when I look up at his sexy face I realize he has a black eye. I know he's a hot head did he get into a fight at school I think to myself. I go to kiss him and gently tough his face and make my way up to his eye and ask what happened and if he's okay he smiles saying yes I'm okay it hurts some but I'm good I'll put some ice on it in a bit he said. He takes a step back from me looking me up and down damn baby girl you get dressed up for me. I bite my lip hearing him call me babygirl makes me hot. We run to the he was eager to bend me over in my little slutty scraps of was is a cheerleading costume. He bent me over and licked his finger kept his clothes on and pulled his pants down just enough for his fat cock to spring free. With you wet finger he entered my wet entrance, seeing as how I was already ready and willing for him he would drew them quickly, stuck them in his mouth and suck them clean and inside of me over and over harder and faster than the one before. Cheer for me babygirl cheer for me he said. Fuck Monty fuck Monty fuuuuuck I'm I'm cumming he came shortly after me he pulled off the condom and went and thru it in the trash and I got up and cleaned myself off and turned the shower on for him. While he was showering I threw on a tank top and a thong and went to the living room and turned on the TV and ordered Chinese food from the place Monty liked.

A few minutes later Monty comes out in some basketball shorts and some workout shirt from school. Even dressed like this he's so fucking hot. He heads to the kitchen and grabs a beer and comes and plops on the couch next to me I have my laptop open working on some of our recent videos when he looks at what I'm doing fuck your sexy Mav I giggle I was just thinking that about you Monty I ordered Chinese from that place you said you liked it should be here soon. Sounds good he said. This may sound weird but I love watching the videos of us fucking he said like I'm watching this super fucking hot porno and fuck that's me in this shit lol.

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