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It's me again. Today I won't be talking about all those lovey-doey things. This matter is a huge concern. It may be depressing and some of you must be uncomfortable talking about it. So please do not read further if this content could harm you in any way.

As from the title you may have judged what our topic is for today.

Today, I want to discuss teenage s*icides. This topic has been on my mind recently, as I came across a reel on Snapchat about a 21-year-old boy who committed suicide BECAUSE HIS VIRTUAL GIRLFRIEND BROKE UP WITH HIM.


(don't worry, I know you are curious will further tell you about his story ahead. Let us talk further cause this problem is not just about him it is way more complicated )

I did some research and found hundreds of articles about teenage s*icide within just one month. It's alarming and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

I'll make sure to dig deep into this issue and show you all the facts.

The truth, the huge problem we're suffering from.

This matter is something that should not be ignored and dealt with as soon as possible.

I have read over 10 articles on this topic within the last hour, and I have also had someone confide in me about their thoughts of suicide. It's a serious matter that needs our attention.

"You know what sometimes I do feel like committing s*icide ."

"I will not do it though!" *Says with a smile *

I considered it as a joke then, but now that I think of it. It definitely wasn't a joke.

I want to emphasize the importance of being there for someone who may be struggling. You never know what someone is going through, and showing them that they have someone to talk to can make a difference.
Please give it a try; you might save a life.

I urge you to take a few minutes to look up the name "Fat Cat, Gamer Suicide" to understand the gravity of this issue.

I will be writing more about this topic in the future, and it's your choice whether to read it. I won't force you to read or promote this content, but I hope that you'll consider it.

Thanks for reading.

This is me,
The author.


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