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Chinese gamer

Pang Mao, also known as FAT CAT, was a 21-year-old professional gamer from China. He met a girl named Tan Zhu through the virtual game 'Honor of Kings', and they eventually became a couple. Things seemed to be going well as he would send her money for shopping, trips abroad etc. However, the situation took a tragic turn when the girl asked for a breakup and claimed to be dating another man.

On April 11, 2024, Pang tragically took his own life by jumping off the Shibanpo Yangtze River Bridge in Chongqing. Before doing so, he transferred all the money he had (RMB 66000) to the girl's account.

His body was found 12 days after the incident.

The girl denied receiving any money from him, but later his sister(pang's) calculated the amount to be 510000 RMB and posted a video online. This garnered widespread attention.

Fat Cat's body was cremated on May 3, 2024.

(this information is taken from Google. I have not made any changes to it .)

My opinion :

My only question is: Why was it so necessary to take such extreme steps? He had a whole life ahead of him.
I don't know him, I don't know the real situation, I don't know about the circumstances he had been in. Still, committing suicide is not the solution!
What about his family now? His parents? Did they raise him with love and care only to see him die like this?


The new generation. This is what they do to themselves, not to mention I belong to this generation myself. Truthfully, I never thought of doing such things. It's not that I don't have problems in life; each one of us has struggles, which are meant to be dealt with. As far as I know, committing suicide is not a way to deal with it. It's basically running away from it.

Give this article a thought.

Tell me where I'm wrong.

Tell me your concerns.

Tell me what you think should be added or things that are wrongly written.

All I want in exchange is for you to stay calm, think before you act, think with a calm mind, not let your emotions flow without your control over them, and lastly, think of those people who are with you, who love you, and would not be able to survive without you.


I will be posting more cases like these, so make sure to read those too.

Until then, this is me signing off.

Written by -MK
Published on - 6th July 2024

May he rest in peace

You will be missed.

(I'll upload the images soon as wattpad is not allowing me to do so right now.)

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