Chapter eleven

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  Lora woke up at the hospital and glanced around the room.
    "What happened ?" Lora asked her self. " Where am I ?"
  A nurse walk in to the along side Sarah and Sophie.
    "Mum " Lora smiled as their eyes met.
    "Lora darling " Sophie sat on the bed .
    " Mummy, am in a dream ? "
    "No darling it's not a dream " Sophie hugged her daughter.
    "I miss you so much"
    "I miss you too my girl" Sophie smiled " I love you my Lora "
    "I love you too mum "
    "Lora am glad you are okay. " Sarah said
    "Where's Rio ? "
    "At his sister's , am sorry he did this to you "
    "It's okay am fine" Lora touched her head. " What day is it ?"
    "Tuesday" Sarah said
    "Okay... Mum am hungry. "
    "I'll get you something to eat " Sophie got up and left the room.
    "How do you feel? "Sarah asked now seated on the bed
    "Like I was hit by a bus " the two laughed
    "Am gald you are okay " Sarah kissed Lora's cheek
    "Thank you for every thing " Lora hugged Sarah
    "You are welcome"
    "I'll miss you Mrs Sarah "
    "I'll miss you too my love" Sarah smiled " I'll keep in touch with you through your mum "
    "Okay "
    "Good bye Lora"
    "Bye "
  Sarah left the room. Sophie was waiting for Sarah at the reception.
    "What took you so long?" Sophie asked
    "Your daughter"
    "Oh ok... "
    "So Sophia, you missed me?" Sarah took Sophie's hand
    "I got over you a long time ago "
    "I didn't "
    "Well that's your problem " Sophie said " am married now"
    "I know, I was too but I lost my husband "
    "Am sorry. How come you don't bare his last name ? "
    "Divorce "
    "Oh , am so sorry"
    "Don't be sweet heart " Sarah laughed " I never loved him, he was a handful. " Sarah gave Sophie a small box " this is for love "
    "I need to go now " Sophie took the box " Lora is waiting for me , bye "
    "Call me " Sarah waved at Sophie as she walked away

  Rio had just returned home from school. Sarah had him transfer to a school in town. Although it was very expressive she wanted the best for Rio.
  Rio was fourteen years old and he was in the 9th grade. He hadn't been in school for a whole semester so he was a little behind in class.
  Lucky Sarah had gotten him all the necessary text book and a tutor so he wouldn't fail his class.
    "Hey Bell, am home "
    "How was school "
    "Fine, but it would have been better if I didn't take the bus home "
    "Am not your chauffeur"
    "You are my sister act like it"
    "In case you have forgotten Rio , you are adopted "
    "You don't have to be mean " Rio frowned
    "Rio you started it"
    "I hate you" Rio stormed off to his room
    "Your food is in the kitchen Rio ! " Bella yelled "I'll be leaving soon "

    "Sarah asked me to give you this" Sophie gave Lora the box
    "Thank you"
    "It's from Sarah"
    "Thank her for me"
  Lora open the box and saw a sliver bracelet. "Wow it's beautiful " Lora glanced at Sophie "can I keep it"
    "Sure, why not "
    "Thanks mummy " Lora hugged Sophie. " Mum "
    "Yes dear"
    "Where's dad ? "
    "He's busy at work "
    "Too busy for me"
    "Don't be like that , am here"
    "I know, I just want him to care some times "
    "I understand how you feel"
    "What about Lexi? "
    "She's at school"
    "Oh I almost got it was Tuesday " Lora touched her head " my head still hurts"

  it's 06:00 pm in the evening and Shinji stops by Bella's house to see her.
  The gate keeper lets him in. And a maid escort him to the living room where Bella was  .
    "Bella "
    "Shinji my love" she hugged him .
    "It's nice to see you"
    "You too. What brings you here "
    "I wanted to see your beautiful face" Shinji said (  Shinji's mother asked him to visit Bella )
    "Awwww... You are the sweetest " Bella kissed Shinji " so you missed me ?"
    " Yeah something like that " Shinji forced a smile
    "Why don't you talk in my room "
    "No need for that please" Shinji took a step away from her
  The door bell rings . " I'll go get it " Rio came running down stairs. "That's my pizza"
    "Who is that ?" Shinji asked
    "Rio my brother"
    "Oh he's changed a lot. The last time I saw him he was a little shorter "
    "Don't mind me" Rio said carrying the pizza up stairs
    "Rio I have told you to stop ordering food "
    "Why should I listen to you ?"
    "You live under my roof" Bella chased after him "you have to follow my rules . "

..... Continue reading in the next chapter .....

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