Part 10

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Lucy's POV

All I saw was utter darkness but suddenly I could hear machine beeping noises very faintly,I could feel a cold metal sensation stabbing me into my hand and as I tried to swallow my own saliva I could hear a voice but it was like I was underwater however I could still here everything they were saying.

"Hey Luce,you probably will never know that I was here or even sitting talking to you but when I noticed you were gone I couldn't sleep at first I told myself that it was a normal feeling anyone would of had about their old boot but I realised well actually Angela released it was more of a friends feeling and more of a I love you kind of feeling"

As soon as the voice said the word boot I knew it was Tim,that fact that Tim was here made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.But than it crossed my mind Timothy Bradford was sat in my hospital room telling me that he loved me,in my 2 years of being in the force I never once thought that he even liked me as a friend let alone be in love with me however I felt the same way ever since I laid eyes on him in the first roll call we ever had together.

"I...I love you" I said as my vision was coming back and now I could see my surroundings I looked over to my left and spotted Tim smiling at me.

"Lucy" He said in an excited tone as he jumped up from the chair and got even closer to my bed,as soon as he did that I knew that I was finally safe especially when he was right by my side all I could do was smile and make jokes.

"I disappear for a day and you have already gone soft" I said in a sarcastic tone,Tim started to chuckle and roll his eyes in a playful way.

"Ok Ok whatever floats your boat" he muttered 

All of a sudden it taunted me I remembered the reason why I was in the hospital in the first place,I started to feel sick as my mind thought of the worst about how Chris could be waiting in my apartment right now or even worse he might be on his way here.

"what happened to Chris?"  I asked in a scared tone thinking about all the possibilities

"we arrested him" Tim said in a more honest police tone 

It was like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder and all I could do is nod but I was absolutely  shattered and my body was so sore from the injuries that were caused by Chris.

"get some sleep,sleepy head" Tim said as he ran his fingers through my hair which made me feel even more tired as I was finally safe to get a good sleep.

Tim's POV

I continued to run my fingers through Lucy's hair which made her fall asleep even faster and she manged to move herself into the fetal position which might have been the cutest thing I have ever witnessed but my day dream was interrupted by the sound of my stomach rumbling but as I now know Lucy is safe I could finally eat again. After 10 minutes of letting my stomach rumble I couldn't wait any longer and decided to head to the canteen,as I was walking across the ward I ran into the group who were congregated around one table in the canteen.

"Hows Lucy doing?" Angela asks

"Shes doing a lot better,just letting her sleep" I replied 

"Shes a truly a fighter" said hungover Nyla 

I wanted to stay and chat but I needed to go and buy some food before I pass out,I quickly made my way to the cashier where I ordered a nice warm cooked breakfast.As soon as the kitchen staff handed me the breakfast I devoured every last piece and caught up with the rest of the group,about 1 hour later I headed back to Lucy's room.

I carefully opened the room to be greeted by Lucy tossing and turning around in her sleep she kept yelling the word stop.I ran over to her bed and gently tapped her on her shoulder to try and get her to wake up from her nightmare,as I get tapping her Lucy suddenly jolted up and put her hand on my neck making it hard for my to breath.At this moment in time Angela had walked in and instantly tried to help me.

"Hey Lucy you are okay,its Tim remember hes not going to hurt you" Angela said staring at Lucy

After Angela reminded her of where she was Lucy snapped out of it and quickly took her hand off my neck,I instantly took a deep breath.

"T..Tim I am sorry" Lucy whispered 

I couldn't respond right away as I had to cough due to the lack of oxygen and panic I experienced

 "Its okay Lucy Its not your fault you just had a really bad nightmare" Angela responded

As soon as my breathing went back to normal I turned around to the sound of Lucy's heart monitor machine beeping loudly,at this point a doctor ran in and Lucy was still panicking and crying. 

"Luce its okay,you didn't hurt me I promise just calm down for me please" I said

Lucy still was hyperventilating and as the minutes went on she just got worse 

"Okay I am going to have to sedate  her  before she goes into cardiac shook" the doctor said

The doctor grabbed a needle and injected it into Lucy's arm and 2 minutes later Lucy was back fast asleep,me and Angela decided to step out for some air.

"What the fuck was that " I said 

"Timothy,she has experienced a traumatic event shes going to have these nightmares that will be realistic for her" Angela responded 

"When she first woke up she told me she loved me after I gave my I love you speech and now she strangled me" 

"Timothy you admitted to having feelings for Lucy?" Angela asked 

I rolled my eyes

"Wesley is now $10 down"

"why is everyone betting on this" I asked

"Because we have nothing better to do" Angela responded 

All I could do was sigh it was either that or worry about Lucy.

Greys POV

After I knew Lucy was safe and stable in the hospital I headed back to the station to question Chris.As I walked through reception I was trying to keep calm for this interview but deep down all I wanted to do is strangle him because he hurt one of my own.I walked into the room,I was greeted by Chris who was handcuffed to the table he was looking very angry,there were blood stains on his face and he was wearing some old grey sweatshirt with matching pants because his original clothes were locked up in evidence due to the blood we found on them.I throw my notebook on the table and sat down on the cold chair across from him.

"This will be recorded,please state your name" I said with a stern tone

"Chris Sanford" 

"Ok Mr Sanford would you like a lawyer before we get started" 

"No,I would need one today"

"Ok lets get started,describe your relationship between you and officer Lucy Chen"

"Lucy and I have been dating for a few months,Its going really well I dont even know why I am here"

My blood started to boil,as Chris sat there being all smug and acting like he is innocent

"Tell me this how did Lucy go from being at work to being tied up with severe blood loss at your old house" 

"Well she went into work normally and half way through the day she called me and told me she was going to go undercover to bust some big junkie gang,which I disagreed with because she was supposed to end her shift at 8PM not start a UC mission at 11:30pm"

"Mr Sanford you are aware Chen is a cop and will have days where she will work overtime"

"I understand but it shouldn't be every shift,she came home that night late and then had the audacity to tell me she didnt take that mission and then kicks me in the face" Chris said as he pointed to the wound.

"Did you do anything?" I asked

"No I love her"

"Well why was Lucy's apartment covered in her blood,the bedroom door smashed in and then found her at you old house tied up with you holding a gun to her head?" I said in an aggressive tone.

"I WANT TO LEAVE!" Chris yelled 

and about 2 seconds later two patrol officers came in and took him back to processing I gathered my notebook and turned off the camera to go to my office to prepare for this trial.

Timothy do you have feelings for Lucy?Where stories live. Discover now