Getting Reacquainted with Ordon

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Hey guys! Enjoy this next chapter!

Your (pov)

"HEY! LINK! You there!?!" You jolted awake when you heard a man yell. You shook your head and looked over to Link's house. 'Did I fall asleep?' You asked yourself. You just shook it off and focused on Link's house. There was an older man standing outside yelling. He yelled the same thing he had when he jolted you awake. This time there was an answer. You saw a window open on the top floor and a young boy with dirty blond hair stick his upper torso out of the window. He waved. "Hey, you mind helpin' me herd the goats? They ain't listenin' to me lately." The boy nodded and disappeared from view.
The older man looked around for a while. "Hey, where's Epona?" He asked. And kept looking around. You took a little time to gather all this in your head. 'I was right! That horse was Epona! Man did she grow fast! And that boy in the window... Could it be?......Link?' You asked yourself. The boy stepped out of his door and climbed down the ladder. He then walked up to the older man. "C'mon now, hurry on up an' bring Epona with you." The boy you supposed to be Link nodded and started to look around as the older man walked away. "Link" looked at the ground and started down the path that other girl had gone down earlier. You waited until he had started going down the path, and then began following him. You kept following him until he started crawling through a hole. You followed him seconds after he began his way through the hole. When you got out of the hole, you saw a rock and dashed behind it. You perked your head up and continued to watch "Link". You scanned your surroundings for a bit and noticed that there was that same girl. She was petting Epona gently. She then turned around and spoke to the blond-haired boy. "Oh, hi Link! I washed Epona for you! Epona is a girl too so you have to treat her nice like one!" She said. 'I knew it!' You thought. 'That really is Link! I saw the triforce mark on his hand, but I just wanted to make sure.' You smiled as you looked him over. He had grown much taller, and it looked like he had gained a lot more muscle. You then looked at his face. His dirty-brown hair had grown to just the right length and framed his face almost perfectly. His face also looked more mature. But he still had those piercing sky-blue eyes You remembered. You smiled again. But focused your attention back to the conversation. "Oh, but listen, Link. Could you do something for me? Can you use a piece of grass to play that song for me? You know, the one that Epona likes?" The girl asked. Link nodded and started to walk in your direction. You immediately ducked behind the rock and curled up into a ball. 'I really hope he doesn't see me.' You thought. You closed your eyes. But then you heard another beautiful melody.


It was being played on grass. You hummed the tune quietly. It was beautiful. After the tune was played you heard a neigh in response. You poked your head out the side of the rock, and you saw Epona galloping over to Link. He extended his hand and gently stroked her muzzle with his hand. You smiled at the sight of Link and Epona again, but your thoughts where broken when the girl spoke. "It's such a nice melody... Epona looks happy." Link turned his attention to her, leaving you the perfect view of everything. "Well, she's all prettied up now, so I suppose you can ride her back. But don't you make her do too much, okay?" The girl said as Link gave a nod. He mounted Epona and they both said their farewells and Link started to trek back to town with Epona. You silently and quickly followed him at a close distance, but where he wouldn't notice you.


You followed Link and Epona until they got to the ranch. You had quickly looked around and ducked behind a bush before anyone could see you. "Sorry to get you over here in such a hurry, Link! These guys have been awful skiddish lately. They won't listen to a word I say.sorry to ask, bud, but how's about you an' Epona herd 'em into the barn real quick?" The voice sounded male, and familiar. You silently peeked out from your hiding spot again and smiled slightly. You knew that man anywhere. Fado. I've almost forgotten what he looked like. "We ain't got much time, so, you think you can do it for me?" Link nodded while still seated on Epona, which caused Fado to smile. "Much obliged there, bud! OK, then, go an' heard all these little scamps into the barn for me!" Link nodded again and slightly let out a hollar as her galloped forward towards the goats, easily hearding all of them into the barn, making the job quick. Once all the goats had been put back into their place, Link gave Epona a signal to slow to a steady walk and stopped when they got beside Fado. "Link, Epona... Much obliged to both y'all! I can cover everythin' tomorrow without havin' to trouble you, so just sit back an' relax, bud. Oh...But, uh, how 'bout today? Wanna practice with the fences?" Fado asked while looking up at the blond horseman. Link nodded. "I guess it wouldn't hurt." Fado smiled while nodding. "Just wait a spell, bud. I'll get them fences set up." And with that, he ran off to the barn. You looked at Link, he seemed a bit, squirrly. I think he might've wanted to help set up. Oh dear, he never changed. Later, Fado came back after setting up a few fences. "Hoo, sorry that took so long! OK, then! Y'all ride all you want! Y'all get tired of ridin', just jump the gate an' into the village, ok, bud?" Link nodded, which Fado returned, then ran off elsewhere to finish up with the rest of the animals. You looked back up at Link again and watched as he lead Epona over to the fences, easily jumping over them.
After a while, Epona seemed to be getting a bit tired, Link noticed as well and stopped, patting her shoulder. She responded and followed his lead, taking a short sprint and jumping over the gate and slowing down again once she hit the ground. You stood back up again and hastily followed him, careful not to alert your presence to anyone else or Link and Epona. You had followed Link until he got to his house. You slumped behind a rock and watched as he tied up Epona and climbed up the latter to his house. You looked up at the sky, it was growing dark already, so you climbed back up to where you where before, guarding the house from a distance. I can't wait till tomorrow, I might get to meet more of my old friends again. You thought. A large yawn escaped your mouth as you kept your gaze on Link's house. But I must keep guard, no matter what.

Alrighty, finished! Updates will be slow, considering the holidays coming up. Anywho, hope ya liked it. Sorry if it was boring. The next chapter will be more exciting, I promise. See ya there, Dragon Riders!

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