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(A/n) Sorry to keep ya waiting! Here's the next chapter!

Your (pov)

You skipped down the streets of Ordon with (y/h/n) by your side. You where going to watch Link and Illia train Link's new pony, and you where gonna train along with them.
Although, you didn't think you needed to train (y/h/n). He was already obeying you pretty well, but you guessed that it would just make the bond between you two stronger.
You where also going to teach Link to use a bow and arrows while you were there. You had yours already with you as you skipped along humming (your favorite song from loz).
You looked up at the tree behind Mr. Hanch's house.
'When will they finally remove that bee hive? ' you asked yourself as you continued walking to the ranch.
"It's a perfect day to train isn't it (y/h/n)?" You say as you turn around to talk to (y/h/n). BUT HE WASN'T THERE!
"(Y/h/n)? (Y/h/n)!!!!" You yelled.
You looked around frantically. 'Where is he? Where is he!?!' You thought.
Your heart was racing fast. You promised Fado that you would take care of (y/h/n)!
You heard a slight whinny come from behind the general store.
You rushed behind only to see (y/h/n) climb out of the water. On the other side of the bridge! 'Oh goddesses! Please no!' You thought as you chased after the runaway pony.

You must have chased after him for about an hour. But nonetheless, you finally caught him!
You tied the rope you had around his neck back around his neck and lead him to the ranch, keeping a close eye on him the whole time.

"Hey! (Y/n)! What took you so long!?" Illia shouted.
"I had troubles." You said as your cheeks turned a bit pink from how tired you where.
"Okay. K'mon! Let's. Train our horses!" She replied with excitement.

((Timeskip to after practice))

"Phew! I think we gained some progress!" You said with one hand patting (y/h/n) on the back of the neck.

Link's (pov) a/n; didn't see it coming, did ya?

I was watching as (y/n) was trying to catch her pony when we where going to train. She chased him for almost an hour then finally caught him. I was laughing the whole time.
It was funny how she tried to chase him, especially in a dress!
When she came into view on the road to the ranch, I ran back so she wouldn't know that I was watching her chase (y/h/n).

Our training session advanced more than I thought. My new pony, who I named Epona, was very easy to train. All that's left is for her to grow up, then I can ride her!
My attention returned back to my friends when (y/n) spoke.
"Phew! I think we gained some progress!"
I nodded as I pat Epona on the head.
I was really looking forward to (y/n) training me to shoot a bow and arrows. I've been waiting for a while to learn, and now I finally get to shoot!

((Timeskip to bow n arrow practice))

Your (pov) A/n yay! Your back!

"Hold it higher Link!" You said as Link was attempting to hit the center of a scarecrow.
"Like this?" He asked as he aimed too high.
"NO! DON'T FIRE!" You yelled, stopping him in his tracks before moving over to him to adjust his arms into the right position.
"Like this." You finished.
"Here?" He asked.
"Yes! That's it! Now let go!" You replied.
He closed his eyes and released the bow string.....................BULLSEYE!!!!! A perfect bullseye!
"Yay! Well done Link!" You said as you jumped up and down.
His face lit up with a smile as he hugged you.
"I did it! I did it!" He said as he jumped up and down, with you in his still hugging embrace.
' Well done Link!' You thought.

((((Timeskip. You, link and Illia are at the spirit spring.))))

"I had fun today! It was great!" Link chirpped as he watched Epona and (y/h/n) play in the water.
You had a smirk on your face at the moment due to you coming up with a little idea.
You jumped off the warm sand and into the water, using your hands as cups as you splashed the water all over Link and Illia.
"You do know the day can get better right?" You say as you nail Link with another handful of water.
"Alright! That's it!" He said.
You where laughing at his reactions until he lunged at you, tackling you and sending you both backwards and into the water.
You poked your head out of the water as Link did the same. Thankfully he had gotten off of you, which meant it was your chance to attack!
You lunged at him with a battle cry and sent him back under the water.
You, of course, where soaked.
You noticed Illia was still in the spot she originally was. Giggling. And DRY.
You smirked as you ran out of the water, looking back to see Link trying to get his dirty blond hair out of his face.
"C'mon Illia!!! The water is just the right temperature!!" You yell.
She just shakes her head.
"You two look like your having fun. I don't wanna get wet." She replied.
"Well too bad!! You're gonna get wet!" You said as you grabbed her wrist and dragged her out into the water.
You where all laughing and splashing until the horses suddenly got skiddish.
You rushed over to (y/h/n).
"It's okay, boy! What's wrong?" You ask.
You then poked your head up. You heard it, the thundering sound of hooves coming straight for you!
You quickly grab your bow and arrows, already knocking an arrow.
Link and Illia rush up to you with Epona.
"(Y/n)! What's wrong!? " Link asks, his voice full of worry.
"Run." Is all you say.
"What?" Illia asks.
"I said RUN!" You yell.
Illia immediately starts running for town, but Link doesn't move.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing!? We can't leave you here!" He says as the sound of pounding hooves grew louder.
"I am protecting you and Illia. Link, please, you must go. Take care. I'll be alright. And if not... I know we will meet again." You say, trying your best not to let your voice crack.
Link gives you another worried look,seemingly almost about to cry.
You release your arrow and give him a big hug, smiling at him.
"Now GO!" You yell.
He nods his head and runs off with Epona, looking back at you one last time.
You take a deep breath and knock your arrow again, and just in time to!
A giant pig man riding on a boar bursts into the spirit spring.
You shoot it quite a few times and kill it. Then another one comes, bigger than the first one.
You reach for an arrow but there were none left.
You looked up at the pig man only to be met by his sword crossing across the left side of your face. You cry out in agony only to be stabbed in the shoulder before falling down in pain.
Your agony is soon ended when a heavy wooden club meets the back of your head. After that, everything went blank. All you could see was blackness.
You screamed for help, but none came. Just darkness..........

(A/n) aaaaannndddd.... chapter two done! Yay! Hope you folks liked it! It took some time but it's done! So what do you think? How am I doing so far? Anyway! Have a great summer vacation! And please comment on other stories you want me to write! Thanks sooooo much for reading this! See yah soon with more!

Simple edit: Oct/18/2016

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