WC: 1716
AN: So it was never really revealed how Hope stopped going by Marshall and revealed she was a Mikaelson (as far as I know idk I'm only on season 2 of legacies) so I'm planing to make it up. So far rn in this story everyone still doesn't know Hope's a Mikaelson. She is still going by Marshall and now so is Enna/Ella.
"Enna?" Hope asked in the morning when Enna was poking her side in an attempt to wake her up.
"When do have to leave to the classroom?" Enna asked.
"Not until 8 which is in.." Hope started as she turned to her nightstand to see the time. "One hour." Hope groaned.
"How long have you been up?" Hope asked.
"That thing said 4:03." She responded.
"What!? Why have you been up so long?" Hope asked.
"I just woke up." Enna lied. The truth is she had a nightmare but she didn't want to talk about it.
"Whenever that happens you should just go back to sleep." Hope told her, Hope could tell she was lying but she didn't want to push. "That..." she pointed at the alarm, "will ring whenever we have to wake up." Hope said and Enna nodded . Hope sighed.
"We should probably cover up your crescent birthmark and change it to the other side." Hope realized.
"Why? Don't you and Hayley have it?" Enna asked confused.
"Yeah but.." Hope trailed of as she pulled the collar of her shirt down to make her birthmark visible. "Ours is on the right, while yours is on the left." Hope explained.
"Oh, why is yours on the right?" Enna asked.
"I'm not exactly sure, it just started popping out that way for everyone born after your sister made the curse. I think anyone from you bloodline that's born with the curse had the birthmark on the right." Hope explained and Enna nodded. It made sense since Ahyoka's birthmark was on the left as well.
Stop thinking about her, focus on school. Enna thought.
"I think we can use magic though to mirror the birthmark, that way it won't wash off." Hope said.
"That sounds like a good idea." Enna replied with a nod.
Hope say up in bed and gestured for Enna to sit down with her back facing Hope, she complied. Hope pulled down the collar of Enna shirt so she could see Enna's shoulders before chanting a spell. Enna's birthmark then appeared on her right shoulder before disappearing from her left.
" There, that should do it." Hope said as Enna turned back around. "Well since we're up how about I show you how to use your new phone?" Hope offered.
"Okay we have to go now. We have to get breakfast before class. Got your bag?" Hope asked as they stood by the door.
"Yes." Enna replied.
"Okay, let's go." Hope said as they walked out and downstairs.
"What's this?" Enna whispered as they got it line for breakfast.
" Oatmeal, various fruits, and yogurt." Hope replied in a whisper.
"I know what fruit is, that's it." Enna said as they chuckled under their breaths.

Inadu's little sister
FanfictionSo we know The Hollow was powerful because of magic imbued into while in utero. We know she was cruel and power hungry but what we didn't know, was that she had a little sister. Enna Labonair was also imbued with magic while in the womb. However it...