Chapter 10 - The First Wave

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Inside the helicopter ride, Jean took in the view of Inkopolis: as they were high up into the sky. She didn't get to see this view the last time she rode in a helicopter, remembering how she fell asleep that time. If only she hadn't dozed off, thinking it would've been a much prettier sight seeing the rays of the morning sun shone over the magnificent Inkopolis.

Jean was seated close to the door, Gil seated at the far side, leaving Jenna sitting between her two octo friends. Although, Jenna sat closer to Jean, leaving Gil with a mopey expression, as he wished Jenna sat closer by him. He could always scoot in, but he didn't want to look awkward about it.

"Something wrong, Gil?" Jenna asked.

"Huh-?" said Gil, breaking out of his short daze, "Oh, yeah, all good." he assured, playing it off like it's nothing. "So, uh... how long have you two known each other?" he curiously asked.

"About a few weeks ago, actually." Jenna replied, "We've been going to the lobby and practicing together nearly every day now."

Gil looked at her in amazement, "Hey, that's great!" he praised Jenna, "I mean, I'm happy to see you teaming up with somebody for a change."

"Heheh, yeah..." Jenna said, letting out a nervously fake chuckle, "Who would've thought, right?"

Jean took her eyes off the window for a moment, only now did she start listening into Jenna and Gil's conversation. What were they talking about?

Fiddling around with the earbud, it fell out of Jean's hands, tumbling out onto the floor. Shoot! Jean pounced down to grab it before Gil could see!

Catching him by surprise, Gil looked at Jean all confused. "You alright?" he asked, raising a brow.

Jenna leaned forward, trying to cover for Jean, "Gee whiz, must be that dang turbulence!" said Jenna.

"Hmm, I've been meaning to talk with the company about installing seat belts..." said Gil, cupping his chin. This should really be considered a safety hazard.

That was a close one... Jean got off the floor and plopped back into her seat. Good thing Jenna backed her up. What would she do without her?

"Hang on, I almost forgot!" said Gil, reaching behind the seat and grabbing out some bags filled with surging ink. "Strap these onto your caps, you can use them for emergencies." he said, handing two packets each for Jenna and Jean.

When Jean strapped them onto her cap, however, she felt very uncomfortable by how much weight it added... The heaviness started getting to her, as she quickly pulled them out.

Gil looked at the Octoling girl confused, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, well, you see..." Jenna explained on behalf, "Jean doesn't like too much weight on her head."

"Interesting..." Gil mumbled, "but how else is she supposed to hang onto them?"

Pondering on what to do with the packets, a lightbulb turned on in Jean's head! She tucked them in the back of her rubber overalls: all nice and snug. It was perfect, until Jean overheard some snickering next to her.

Trying desperately to hold it in, Jenna couldn't help but laugh her tentacles off when she saw the plumpness of her friend's buttocks. "Oh my cod! I'm so sorry!" she said between her laughter, "Those look lethal!!" Jenna wheezed!

Embarrassed to the core, Jean looked away, feeling the temperatures of her cheeks rise. Not only was Jenna laughing hysterically, but Gil could be heard tittering as well. Tired of being laughed at, Jean reached around from behind her overalls, relocating the packets to the front side instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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