part 21: taking a break

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The weeks following their conversation were harder than Diana had expected. She had anticipated the emptiness and the silence, but not the way every little thing reminded her of Zack. Her phone would buzz, and for a split second, she’d hope it was him, only to realize it wasn’t. She’d see something funny or think of something she knew he’d enjoy, and her first instinct would be to text him. But she had to remind herself—space. They both needed it.

Her friends noticed the change in her mood. At first, she tried to brush it off, but her best friend, Emma, wasn’t easily fooled.

“Hey, you’ve been quiet lately,” Emma said one afternoon as they walked off the track after practice. “Everything okay?”

Diana hesitated, her mind spinning with how much to share. She hadn’t told anyone about her situation with Zack. It felt too raw, too personal.

“Zack and I… we’re taking a break,” she finally admitted, her voice low. She could feel the sting in her chest even as she said the words.

Emma’s expression softened, and she nudged Diana gently. “Oh, Di, I’m so sorry. You guys were doing long-distance, right? That must’ve been tough.”

Diana nodded, her throat tightening. “Yeah, it was. I thought we could handle it, but… things just got complicated. I think we needed to step back.”

Emma didn’t press her for more details, which Diana appreciated. Instead, she just gave her a comforting look. “That’s rough. But you’re strong. You’ll get through this.”

Diana forced a smile, grateful for Emma’s support. “I hope so.”
Over time, Diana began to adjust to life without Zack. She threw herself into her track practices with a renewed focus, pushing herself harder than ever. The physical exertion helped keep her mind occupied, and the rush of adrenaline was a temporary distraction from the ache in her heart.

But the nights were always the hardest. That was when the loneliness crept in—the quiet moments when she’d lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying memories of Zack in her mind. She thought about their inside jokes, the way he’d hold her hand, the sound of his laugh. And despite everything, she still missed him.

She wondered if Zack was missing her too. Did he think about her during his busy days at college? Did he ever look at his phone, wanting to reach out, only to stop himself? The thought gave her a strange sense of comfort, though she knew she couldn’t rely on it.

Diana had told herself that space was necessary, but now, she found herself questioning if space meant they were drifting further apart for good. What if he moved on? What if, by the time she was ready to reach out again, it was too late?

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