CHAPTER 17: Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there

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The next morning, I woke up slowly, the morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow over my room.

For a moment, everything felt perfect.

My entire body was still so warm from last night. The memory of Megumi and I, tangled together in such an intimate, raw way, sent a soft shiver down my spine. My heart felt heavy but in the best way — overflowing with this incredible affection for him.

We had shared so much last night.

Not just our bodies, but our emotions too. It felt like we had melted into each other, like two pieces that had always been meant to fit together.

And for the first time ever, I had glimpsed into the well of emotions Megumi usually kept so tightly guarded. The moment when he finally let go, pouring both his seed and his emotions, everything, into me like a dam bursting at the seams — it was overwhelming, almost staggering.

The depth of his emotions had hit me like a tidal wave, filling every corner of my being.

His desire, his passion, his vulnerability, his tenderness, his affection for me — it had all been laid bare. I had never imagined Megumi could feel so much behind that calm, stoic exterior.

Thinking back on it now, my heart swelled again, just like it had last night.

The way he had looked at me, the way he had felt in my mind... it was everything I had hoped for and much more.

His touch still lingered on my skin, his breath still echoed in my ears, and I could not stop the soft smile that tugged at my lips. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the way we had become one in every sense of the word — it was overwhelming.

And now, I felt so completely, utterly in love with him that it was almost embarrassing.

I sighed softly, hugging the sheets closer, just wanting to stay in this moment a little longer, reveling in the glow of everything we had shared.

However, I could not help myself from blinking my eyes open, my gaze turning to the spot on my bed that was Megumi's now. But I quickly realized...

Megumi was no longer beside me.

My heart sank in my chest, disappointment settling in as I stared at the empty space where he had been, the one that had felt so warm and full of him just hours ago. The sheets were still a little rumpled, a slight indentation in the pillow where his head had rested.

I sat up slowly, my gaze still fixed on that empty space, and without thinking, I reached over to the pillow, pulling it toward me.

I pressed my face into it, greedily inhaling his scent — clean, familiar, and so distinctly him. But my heart fluttered with uncertainty.

Why isn't he here?

A flicker of insecurity crept in, curling tightly around my chest.

Did he regret it?

Was it too much, too fast?

Too bad?

I bit my lip, my mind racing with anxious thoughts.

What if he felt ashamed?

What if this changed things between us?

Maybe he had left because he did not know how to face me now... or worse, maybe he did not even want to?

The flood of doubt washed over the warmth I had felt just moments before, and I could not help but feel a little lost, unsure of where we stood after such an intimate night. My fingers clutched the pillow tighter, needing something of him to hold onto, something to remind me that last night had been real, that we were real.

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