CHAPTER 21: Touché

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"I'm so in love with you."

Megumi's words kept ringing for my ears, replaying in my mind, his words striking me over and over again with the same intensity as everything else we had just shared with each other, my heart skipping a beat.

The raw, unguarded tone of his voice made it clear — he was not just saying it.

Megumi really meant it, every word.

His breath was warm, caressing my skin as he held me close, his arms encircling my waist, pulling me firmly against his chest, as if he needed to make sure I understood just how fucking much he felt for me.

I closed my eyes, the rush of emotions flooding me, feeling the depth of both my own and his love wrap around me like a second skin. There was no doubt in the way he said it, no hesitation — just pure, unfiltered affection.

The way he embraced me was tender, yet possessive. Then, with a softness that contrasted everything we had just shared, Megumi leaned in and pressed the sweetest kiss to my cheek.

It was not hurried or hungry — it was gentle, filled with so much love and care that it made my heart swell.

His lips lingered there for a moment, and I could feel his breath against my skin, warm and soft, like he wanted to savor the moment. I could sense the vulnerability in his touch, the way he held me like I was something precious.

His fingers splayed gently over my stomach, grounding me in his embrace.

My heart fluttered wildly in my chest, a mix of joy and disbelief coursing through my veins. I had sensed Megumi's feelings for me, loud and clear, several times before, but hearing him say them aloud, in this moment, it felt so raw, so real.

I could feel a giddiness bubbling up inside me, but at the same time, there was this overwhelming tenderness — like my heart was wrapped in velvet. 

I could not believe someone like him, usually so guarded, had let me deep into his heart like this.

I leaned my head back slightly, resting against his chest, needing to feel him closer, needing to ground myself. His arms tightened around me, like he understood what I was feeling without me having to say anything.

My voice trembled with emotion, but I could not stop the words from spilling out, soft but clear: "I'm... I'm in love with you too."

Saying it out loud, the confession made my whole body hum with happiness.

The truth of it settled deep inside me, anchoring me to him in a way that felt unshakable. As soon as the words left my lips, I felt lighter, like all the tension I had not even realized I had been carrying melted away. 

I turned my head slightly to look up at him, my eyes locking with his, and a slow smile spread across my face. There was no hiding the love I felt for him anymore — it was out in the open, between us, and it was perfect.

When my whisper reached Megumi's ear, I saw his eyes widen just the slightest bit, like he had not fully expected to hear those words, even though he had just said them to me.

His expression soon revealed an even softer side of him as his lips quirked up into a small, genuine smile — one that reached his eyes in the most adorable, subtle way.

He did not say anything right away, but the way he looked at me — those deep, piercing blue eyes that softened with warmth — was enough.

"Ida..." he murmured, his voice barely a whisper as he rested his head gently against mine.

Then, without another word, he pressed another soft kiss to my cheek.

His touch was so tender, so full of all the affection he rarely let show, and it made my heart swell so fucking much I just wanted to turn around and hug him even tighter.

Layers (Megumi Fushiguro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now