Chapter 16

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*Mia's POV*

As we arrived at the mall we all took a dash straight to Hot Topic, knowing full well that it was the best store there other than GameStop. I was provided with basically unlimited money, allowing us to buy anything we wanted. I picked out tons of band shirts, skinny jeans, converse, combat boots, sweatshirts, hats, bracelets, everything in that entire store that I liked. When we finally emerged from Hot Topic, I was happy as hell and didn't even give a second thought to this new life I'm living. Sally, Toby, BEN, and I all carried as many bags as our arms could handle. "Hey, I know we're tired and all, but how does GameStop sound? BEN asked. I giggled and began walking towards the store. "Sounds exactly like something both of us would suggest." BEN and I picked out all the new games that came out that we haven't gotten yet. When we walked out, Sally's tiny stomach started rumbling, followed by the rest of ours. "Let's go get pizza!" Sally happily exclaimed. After pizza we decided to go back to what I now call home. A home full of killers, what more can I ask for? "Daaaad, I'm hooooome!" I yelled as I walked through the door. He teleported directly in front of me and I fell backwards, awkwardly being caught by BEN. "Well how does a little fashion show sound?" Asked Sally, seemingly very excited. I wouldn't disappoint her.

*Le time skip to after the fashion show, brought to you by Lost Silver accidentally having a Pokèball hit your face*

Far after all that dress up nonsense, I decided to pick just one outfit and go for a walk. Maybe be trained a bit. I put on a skull tank top, a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and combat boots. I also grabbed my new knife, which had a skull imprint on the hilt, and slipped it into its sheath and attached it to my jeans. Being almost midnight, I knew a lot of the others were out doing their murderous deeds by now. But it didn't matter. I walked out of my room and down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the door. I pulled my hood up and slipped my hands into my pockets, defending against the chilly autumn air. It was close to being November, meaning I would miss Caroline's birthday if I wasn't allowed to go. I didn't care though, I can always sneak out. I began walking down the porch steps and the stone path, making my way into the thick woods to find the clearing the pastas use for training. There were a few training dummies, and targets scattered on the surrounding trees for arrows, throwing knives, or ninja stars, stuff like that. As I was told bedore, there was a random keyhole in the air, kind of like it is from Kingdom Hearts. I checked my pocket, and sure enough, a key was there. Let me explain myself. Right after the little fashion show I gave, some of the pastas and I spoke about training. One said that if an approved Creepypasta from the mansion came to the area the key to the training supplies would appear in one's pocket. So I tried exactly that. I pulled out the key and derpily poked the keyhole with it. The air...I guess, opened and a room appeared. Lining the walls were tons of things to use, ranging from the most random of household objects to the most complex weapons of any sort. I grabbed a katana that had a very shiny and sharp blade and a black and red hilt and hoped dad wouldn't care if I took it and kept it.

I spent about an hour practicing my abilities wielding a katana. By then I was a little tired and very hungry. I found the sheath for the katana and put it on my back and slid the katana in. I started on my way back to the mansion. Leaves swirled around my feet in the chilly wind as I walked. " are nothing but a mere shadow..." a low, raspy voice echoed through my head. I scoffed and rolled my eyes to the nothingness. "Such an insult..." I muttered. Suddenly I felt a slash of searing pain across my face and the trickle of warm liquid running down my cheek. "Fuck..." I growled under my breath. I took off my fabric belt and tied it tightly around my face and sped up my pace.

When I got back to the mansion shortly after the incident, the belt was now completely drenched in my own blood, and even more was seeping through and dripping everywhere. EJ and BEN greeted me at the door before seeing the belt on my face. BEN noticed and picked me up bridal style and began carrying me to the infirmary. "Put me the hell down, BEN." I said firmly. He ignored me. "Beeeeeennnnn," I whined. He grabbed my butt. "You fuckin perv," I said and laughed. When I was set down, EJ carefully lifted the belt off my face and didn't say a word before grabbing supplies in a rushed manner. BEN sat beside me and held my hand. "Whoever did this knew it would be a bit before you'd be able to get help...whatever was used was venomous and ridged and sharp. The cut is deep but luckily didn't damage your brain or anything. The cut has some tearing on the sides from the ridges and if not cleaned the venom will get to you," Eyeless Jack explained to me as he prepared to clean the wound. 'Great....' I thought to myself. Just great.

I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER!!! I've been caught up in things and I kept forgetting to update. I'll try getting more in, but here's a small chapter to start. Love you guys ❤️

~ABloodySmile 🎮🔪

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