Ocean Of Death

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In a dimly lit royal chamber, an intense debate unfolds between the princess and her loyal, yet overly dramatic, advisor, Sir Vikram.

Sir Vikram (gasping): "Are you really sure about this, Your Highness? You're planning to release that man?! I mean, you've said some things in the past, but this... this tops the list!"

Princess: "You keep saying 'that man' like he doesn't have a name. He's the only one who can get this job done. We need him."

Sir Vikram (throwing his hands up in despair): "But... but he's the most notorious criminal of them all! Do you even know what he's done? This man—he fought the Ironhand Marquis of Rein! The strongest! An Elemental! And some say... whispers dramatically... that he won!"

Princess (with a casual shrug): "Well, rumors. What can you do?"

Sir Vikram (eyes bulging): "Rumors?! The only reason he's in a cell is because the Duke of Wilhelm—Wilhelm, I say!—bent him into submission! And you—you of all people—intend to unleash this monster?!"

Princess (leaning in, deadpan): " Vikram ,Relax. He doesn't have any special powers."

Sir Vikram (clutching his head): "No powers?! This man crushed an Elemental with his bare hands, Your Highness! Bare. Hands. I must say, I strongly suggest you rethink your—"

Princess (calmly interrupting): "If I want to cross that sea, Vikram, there's no one better. Trust me, we need him."

Sir Vikram (flailing dramatically): "You're not asking for help from him, Princess! I—I'll take you across the sea! Yes, that's it! I'll—"

Princess (rolling her eyes): "Vikram , please. We both know you can't even swim, let alone 'ride the sea.'"

Sir Vikram(offended): "I—I could learn! I've been practicing my doggy paddle!"

Princess (smirking): "Doggy paddling across a treacherous ocean of monsters? Sounds like a plan. But seriously, there's only one man who can make that trip alive. We need him. End of discussion."

Sir (sighing dramatically, one final plea): "But, Your Highness—"

Princess (cutting him off with a grin): "Vikram. You're not the one we need. He is."

So the princess takes this matter to the king of vista,her beloved father.

In the vast throne room of Vista, King Vistaraj sat upon his grand, jewel-encrusted throne, looking rather regal—until his daughter, Princess Aisheya, burst in with her usual flair.

King Vistaraj (raising an eyebrow): "Aisheya, my dear, you look... determined. Do you have something important to discuss?"

Princess Aisheya (nodding excitedly): "Yes, Father! Something very important. I need to go across the Treacherous Sea. You know, the one everyone calls the 'Ocean of the Dead'? Sounds thrilling, right?"

King Vistaraj (instantly pale): "The Ocean of the Dead?! No, no, absolutely not. You are not setting foot anywhere near that cursed water. It's dangerous, and terrifying, and... do they not have any nicer seas? Perhaps a Calm Sea? A Peaceful Sea? Why must it be that one?"

Princess Aisheya (playfully): "But Father, where's the fun in 'Calm Sea'? 'Treacherous Sea' sounds so much more exciting! And it's kind of a family tradition to do something risky every now and then, don't you think?"

King Vistaraj (flustered): "Aisheya, this isn't about tradition—it's about staying alive! I forbid it. That's final."

Princess Aisheya (smiling): "Oh, but wait! I haven't even gotten to the best part. You'll love this! I need a captain for the ship, and I know just the man for the job."

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