The Elementals

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Princess Aisheya leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "So, Aquis, why do you need these 12 prisoners?"

Aquis grinned, gesturing toward the prison gates lined up in order. "Do you see how deadly this lane is? The closest cell to the exit holds the weakest, and the one nearest to me? Well, that's the strongest."

Aisheya eyes widened. "And what about the first ones? Are they really that dangerous?"

Aquis chuckled, "Oh, absolutely! The first nine were caught by the Iron Fist Marques or is it the Iron Hand Marquess. I haven't been out in years , so I'm a bit out of the loop."

Aisheya raised an eyebrow. "So, you're saying he caught them all by himself?"

"Exactly! They're no pushovers. And the three closest to me? They're Elementals," Aquis declared with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Elementals?" Aisheya gasped, clearly shocked. "You mean they're actually Elementals?"

"Yes, indeed! And one of them is an original Elemental," Aquis said, his smile widening.

Aisheya shock deepened. "An original Elemental? This just keeps getting better!"

Count Vikram suddenly chimed in, "Wait a minute! You're going on about elementals and original elementals, but you haven't even explained what that means! What's the point of all this if the audience doesn't understand?"

The narrator sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "Oh, great! Just what I needed—an interruption from the self-proclaimed expert on audience comprehension."

Vikram crossed his arms, feigning innocence. "I'm just trying to help! You can't leave them in the dark like that."

"Fine, fine! I'll explain," the narrator grumbled, frustration bubbling just beneath the surface. "But next time, how about a little less interruption and a bit more listening?"

"Just doing my job," Vikram shrugged, smirking. "It's a tough gig being the voice of reason."

The narrator shot him a sideways glance. "Voice of reason? More like the voice of annoyance!"

"Hey, at least I'm keeping things interesting!" Vikram retorted, winking at the audience.

With a resigned chuckle, the narrator conceded, "Alright, let's break down what elementals are. But only because you insisted. And let's hope you can keep your mouth shut for a moment!"

In a world veiled in mysteries and wonders, kingdoms rise and fall, each shrouded in tales of magic and power. Among these tales, one stands out: the legend of the Elementals. But what are Elementals, you ask? They are beings gifted with the extraordinary ability to command the elements—wind, water, fire, lightning, storms, and even the very earth beneath our feet. These gifted individuals, whether by birth or fate, harness their powers to shape the world around them, wielding their elemental might with both cunning and skill.To be an elemental most important thing is lineage or talent.

Yet, amid the many Elementals, there exists an elite cadre known as the Original Elementals. These ten beings are not merely products of lineage; they are chosen by the Elemental lines themselves. The Original Elementals are embodied by ten legendary weapons, each resonating with the elemental powers they represent. These weapons select their wielders based on an intimate bond forged from shared ambitions, desires, and the deepest sorrows of the heart.

Sure! Here's a concise list of the Original Elementals:

    1.    Light: Embodies purity and hope, capable of healing and dispelling darkness.
    2.    Darkness: Master of concealment and fear, drawing power from the void.
    3.    Fire: Represents passion and destruction, capable of summoning flames.
    4.    Sand: Manipulates terrain and creates illusions, both a weapon and a refuge.
    5.    Rock: Symbolises strength and endurance, able to raise barriers and protect.
    6.    Storm: A chaotic force that unleashes rain, wind, and lightning.
    7.    Clouds: Controls mist and Vapour, creating illusions and obscuring vision.
    8.    Wind (or Air): Represents freedom and movement, enhancing speed and agility.
    9.    Earth: Symbolises stability and growth, nurturing life and shaping landscapes.

While each of these Elementals holds immense power, whispers in the shadows speak of a greater force—the Elemental of Water. Its strength is said to surpass all others, shrouded in secrecy and myth. Among the Original Elementals, two are said to reside in the Kingdom of Vista, a land both revered and feared.

The first is the Duke of Wilhelm , a figure of legend whose strength is rumoured to eclipse even that of an Original Elemental. Yet, the truth of his powers remains obscured, leaving many to wonder whether he truly is one of the chosen or simply surpassed human standards .

The second is the Marquess of Rein, a blazing Original Elemental of Fire. His fiery temperament matches the powers he commands, and his presence instills both awe and terror in the hearts of those who dare to oppose him.

The Kingdom of Vista is a realm steeped in fear, for those who dwell within its borders are not merely subjects but players in a game of elemental power. The air crackles with tension, and the shadows whisper of the impending clash of ambitions as the Elementals navigate a world rife with envy and intrigue.

In this land of mystique and uncertainty, the stories of the Original Elementals resonate like distant thunder, a haunting reminder that in a world where elemental forces collide, nothing is ever truly as it seems. The fate of kingdoms hangs by a thread, and the balance of power teeters on the brink of chaos. For within every rumour lies a shard of truth, and the time may soon come when the Elementals must reveal their true selves and confront the destiny that awaits them.

Princess (leaning in, jokingly):
"So, you're telling me all three of those elementals are stronger than the Marquess? The three elementals?"

Aquis (grinning mischievously):
"I never said that. Two of them? Just regular elementals—much weaker than the Marquess. They never fought the marquess so I know for sure . But the original elemental? That one never fought the Marquess of Rein, only the duke. And the duke, well... he beat him effortlessly. Just a flick of his finger, boop, like it was nothing. That's what blows my mind. The duke surpassed human limits."

Princess (curious):
"So, the duke is really that strong? He told me he didn't even need to use any energy to beat you."

Aquis (grin fading):
"He told you that? Hmm... I'm not entirely sure what happened that day. It's a bit foggy. But, let's leave that mystery alone for now. Where was I? Ah, right—the original elemental. No one knows if he's stronger than the Marquess of Rain or not."

Princess Lee (eagerly):
"What's the original elemental's power?"

"The original elemental of sand. And get this—there can only be ten original elementals in existence, and our kingdom holds three of them. How much stronger can a kingdom get?"

Princess (laughing):
"Yeah, and I'm about to be the queen of this powerhouse kingdom. Lucky me!"

Princess (turning to the commander):
"So, what are you waiting for, Commander? Release all twelve prisoners in this lane—immediately. You have permission, don't you?"

Commander (scratching his head, unsure):
"Uh, yes, ma'am..."

Count Vikram (dryly, with a smirk):
"You better get used to this madness. It's always going to be like this."

ELEMENTALS: The Tales Of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now