Chapter 1: Father of the Year

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* First off I'd like to state that I do not own all the characters so far I have created both Zoe Smith, Zoe's mother Angie Smith, Zoe's father Eric Harris, and some other minor characters. *

It was a stormy night when my mother and I went looking for my father.  We didn't see him all day and my mother began to think that he was out drinking or cheating.  Let me give you some insight on my family and I. My name is Zoe Smith and I am 17 years old and I am currently a senior at my local high school. My mother and father never did have a truly good relationship. My father always cheated and was a known alcoholic. My mother always tried to work it out with him, but it just never did work between the two. Currently my mother and my father were trying to work things out, but my father began to go back to his evil ways. My mother has been trying not to throw him out because she still loves my father, but now she just needs one more reason to throw him out.

We were driving around the bad side of town looking for my father's work van. We finally found my father's van and my mother began to think about what her next move would be. Her and I began to talk over what we should do. Soon enough we decided to knock on the door of the house and confront my father.  My mother and I both got out the car and started to walk towards the door and soon enough my mother knocked on the big red door. After a few minutes someone finally opened the door and I happened to recognize him, it was one of my father's friends. On the couch was my father drunk and smoking a cigar. My mother soon began to yell and describe all her feelings of pain due to what he has done to her. My father than began to get up as quick as he could without falling over and started to call my mother all sorts of names, some of which I didn't even know the meaning to. I was fed up with my father talking so horribly toward my mother that I finally said something and I almost wish that I did think about that idea much longer. I screamed at my father and said " Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear your excuses. Quit talking to my mother like that when she has done so much for me and even you! Don't even dare act like you are the father of the year!" After saying what I said the room went silent. After about a good five minutes of silence my father said something, " You know what Zoe I wished that you were never born. When your mother had that miscarriage I should have told her to not try again." he said in the most hateful voice he could have. At first I thought I would be in the clear after what he said and that my mother and I would just leave and pack his stuff up, but no. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my father's fist come out of nowhere and then hit me dead in the face. After getting punched I went down to the ground and everything went dark.

When I awoke I was in a bright room that was all white. I looked to my left and saw my mother and a police officer right by her side. I could tell my mother had been crying. Before either my mother or I could say anything the police officer began to speak. In a stern tone the officer said " Hello Miss. Smith, I'm officer Gonzalez and I'll have to quickly question you real quick about what happened between your mother, father, and  yourself. Would that be okay?" I looked up at the middle age man and nodded my head. The officer asked me regular question that you would expect in the situation we were dealing with such as; "Who hit you?", "What did you and your mother say?", and the big one "Would you like to press charges?". The last question hit me harder than the actual punch that I had received. "Would it possibly be okay if I could talk this over with my mother?" I said in a very nervous tone of voice. The officer just nodded his head and went out of the small room. I looked at my mother and my eyes pretty much said it all. "Honey I would just press charges and I do believe this would be our chance to leave this town and even this state and have a fresh new start and to finally feel safe and free from your father's evilness." she stated with a shaking voice.  I didn't want to see my mother go through much more pain than she is already dealing with so I said okay to pressing charges on my very own father.

Soon the police officer came back into my room and ask if I had made a conclusion to what I was going to do and I just simply said " Lock him up." with no emotion whatsoever. After that the officer left and the doctor that was seeing over me came in. "Hello my name is Dr. Wolf and I'd like to tell you about you injures."  I simply nodded my head which he took as a carry on. "You just have a black eye and a busted lip and a few bruises here and there, but they should heal within two or so weeks. So you can go back home with you mother." After hearing that I got up as quick as possible and began walking towards the door.

// I hope you like this as a first chapter and the chapters to come. This is like my first story that I've actually planned and didn't just think up one night.  Please do vote and comment because I'd really love to hear feedback. Tell your friends too about this story. I'll post the next chapter very soon. //

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