Kei is introduced as a student at Amarion Academy, known for its rigorous training in ancient relic studies and combat techniques. Kei is different from the other students due to a strange birthmark on their hand, which many believe is cursed. Despite being an exceptional student, Kei is an outsider, struggling with their identity.
Kei's School Life: Kei excels in combat and relic studies but feels isolated. Other students mock the birthmark, seeing it as an omen of doom. Kei's only friend, Lian, offers support, but even Lian doesn't fully understand Kei's connection to the past.
Lian: "Kei, who cares what they think? You're the best student here, with or without that mark."Kei: "It's not that simple, Lian. This mark... it's not just a symbol. It feels like it's trying to tell me something. Something bad is coming."
Kei feels a constant pull towards something unknown, which worsens their sense of isolation. The birthmark is tied to a larger, more dangerous destiny, but Kei doesn't yet understand its significance.
The Story Of Kei
Short StoryThe Upbringing of Kei's Life and Journey This is the same Kei from the Age Of POWERS. An artifact or a mystical object from The Story of Kei could survive into the modern world of Age of POWERS. This item might have been lost or forgotten, but its r...