Fast forward to the modern era, where individuals with supernatural abilities are widespread. The protagonist, Kai, is a young person attending Prime Academy, a prestigious school for students with powers. Kai has always felt out of place due to their uncontrollable abilities.
Kai's Personal Struggles:
Kai frequently has vivid dreams of an ancient warrior—Kei—and a mysterious battle against dark forces. Unbeknownst to them, they are a direct descendant of Kei, and their powers are tied to the same relic that once granted Kei their abilities.
Kai: "These dreams... they feel too real. Who is this warrior I keep seeing? Why do I feel like it's connected to me?"
The Story Of Kei
NouvellesThe Upbringing of Kei's Life and Journey This is the same Kei from the Age Of POWERS. An artifact or a mystical object from The Story of Kei could survive into the modern world of Age of POWERS. This item might have been lost or forgotten, but its r...