As Kei struggles with their powers, dark forces begin to rise. Creatures known as Shadows—minions of Valkior—start to appear, attacking the academy and nearby villages. Kei realizes that their connection to the relic has weakened the seal on Valkior.
Kei's Heroic Journey Begins:
With the help of Lian, Kei sets out to learn more about the Eternal Source and the ancient war against Valkior. They discover that they are the reincarnation of an ancient warrior tasked with containing the dark force.Kei (determined): "This power... it's my responsibility. I won't let Valkior destroy everything."Lian: "You're not alone, Kei. I'm with you. We'll figure this out together."
The Story Of Kei
Short StoryThe Upbringing of Kei's Life and Journey This is the same Kei from the Age Of POWERS. An artifact or a mystical object from The Story of Kei could survive into the modern world of Age of POWERS. This item might have been lost or forgotten, but its r...