Twenty seven | D E A T H&R E B I R T H

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"What am I just a pawn? You're gonna bring in another officer to ask me the same questions to get the same answers? I'm not animal behind this door. I can see you talking about me through that window. I'm not stupid." I say to the police, sitting in front of me. I've been here for hours, telling them nothing.

"We really want to help you."

"Yeah? That's what you're supposed to say." I laugh. "So this whole arrest, is it sticking?"

"For him it is, for you, no. Ms. Routledge you need to tell us what your ex boyfriend has done. Will you at least help yourself?"

"I can't." I sigh.

"You can't what?"

"I can't stand being here for a second longer." I cross my arms.

He smacks his lips, "Do you and your boyfriend have big plans?"

"We're not together." I tell him.

"I think you better tell him that. Only love makes you that crazy, and you don't want that kind of crazy." He raises his brows.

"I'm not here for advice." I roll my eyes.

He sighed. Then another officer came in the room, needing a word with Detective James. A few minutes passed until he came back in the room, "Alright. Get up."

I furrow my brows, "What?"

"Get up, you're free to go. Ward took the blame and he also killed himself, so you can go home now." He says with the flick of his hand.

"Hes... hes dead?" I blinked, still trying to process the news.

"Yes Mrs.Limbrey he blew up his boat while he was on it." he explained. "You can leave now."

I slowly got up from my chair, my legs stiff from sitting for so long. My heart straining from the news. As I walked out of the interrogation room, I approached the front desk.

The officer behind the counter looked up at me. "Do you need a cab ride home, Miss Scarlett?"

I hesitated, thinking about my options. I could leave, go back to my old life, and forget about Rafe and the drama that came with him. But as I thought about it, I knew I couldn't do that. I had to be the one to tell Rafe about his father's death. He deserved to hear it from me, not from some stranger.

"No, thank you," I said finally. "I'll wait."

The officer raised an eyebrow. "Wait for what?"

I took a deep breath. "For Rafe. I need to tell him about his father."

The officer nodded sympathetically. "Okay, Miss Scarlett. You can wait outside for him."

I nodded. I walked out of the police station, the cool evening air a welcome change from the sterile atmosphere of the interrogation room. I took a seat on the bench outside.

I would wait for Rafe, no matter how long it took. I would be the one to break the news to him, and I would be there to support him through this difficult time.

Soon enough I see Rafe step outside the police station, his expression unreadable. He was still unaware of my presence, looking around for his dad, a ride home. No one was there. Not Rose, Sarah, no one. Just me.

"Rafe." I say. His eyes dart to me, I simply walk up to him and hug him. He hugs me back without question, needing it and missing it.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and don't dare to look in his eyes as I tried to find the right words to say.

He pulled away, looking at my hot face, "What- what happened."

"Ward..." I stammer. "He's dead." I finally say.

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