The Wrong Road Taken Part 15

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"Tom, Jerry how old are you guys?
I knew that you were long lived, but nobody I asked knew much about the background of the Gorth.
There is of course a lot of speculation, but no answers."

"Luke the Gorth have been around since the beginning of time.
Even among ourselves we have no collective memory of a time that we didn't exist."

"Tom. Jerry I have so many questions about the Gorth, so let me begin with a few of them.
Ok so you don't know when the Gorth came to be, do you have any idea where the Gorth came from.
I don't think that you sprang out of thin air.
However the bigger question in my mind is, what purpose do the Gorth serve?
I know that you are intimately associated with practitioners, and have been throughout history.
Are there any non-practitioners that the Gorth watch, or look after, and if so why?"

As we chatted I noticed that the six other Gorth had arrived in the glade we sat in.
For the most part they were doing what the Gorth did best, they were curled up and napping all around us.

"Luke as to your first question, we have no idea where we came from.
Like I said to the best of our knowledge we have always existed.
Believe it or not, we the Gorth have our own Gorth philosophers so to speak, Gorth who spend their lives asking many of the same questions that you have asked.
Along with the Gorth asking questions about ourselves, we have in the past collaborated with practitioners who have asked many of the same questions you have asked.

You asked if we ever watch non-practitioners, Luke in the past there have been a few people we have watched that were not practitioners.
For the most part they are people who had children who were fledgling practitioners, people who had not yet developed their talent.
We would watch to make certain that the parents didn't freak out when those children began to exhibit their talents.

Pertaining to your big question, what purpose do we serve?
Luke, the Gorth serve primarily to act as bodyguards for practitioners.
Aside from that we are the eyes, and ears for collective of the Gorth.
Luke every Gorth is in constant communication with every Gorth regardless of time, and distance.
What one Gorth sees and hears, all Gorth see and hear."

Twenty minutes later I felt I was getting nowhere with my questions.
Every time I thought I was getting somewhere with my questions, I felt that much more wasn't being said.

In the midst of our chat I heard Asahi calling my name as he rounded the corner.
Begging my leave from the Gorth, I began walking towards Asahi.

"Luke do you think your friends would mind me stealing you away from their naps to come chat with me and a few others?"

"Asahi I don't think that this would be a problem.
After all what are these overgrown puppies doing other than what they do best, sleeping that is.
What I have come to understand is that they have three modes of existence, first and foremost is sleeping, followed by playing, and last but not least protecting my ass."

Holding out my arm, Asahi slipped his arm through mine as we walked back towards the house.
Asahi may be more agile than most give him credit for, but he was still far older than I, and deserves the respect he has earned.
In my mind part of that respect is assisting, and supporting him as we walked around.

"Luke, Lucretia, Keiko, and I want to go into town to get away from the crowd of folks here.
We think there is a need for you to surround yourself with what passes as normal.
You have been cooped up here without the opportunity to get away from it all.
So Lucretia thought that a little R&R would go a long way to help you clear your mind, and heart."

"Asahi that is a great idea.
Now that I think abut it I had been so caught up with all that has happened to me, that I hadn't thought about the outside world in I don't know how long.
When are you thinking of taking our little jaunt? "

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