All's fair in love and war

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Thank you so much to @Mini_Stark who gave me the idea for this chapter!

It had been a week since I had woken Skye up in an..... Unconventional way. So like I'm sure Skye wasn't serious about what she said about getting me back... Yeah. She's totally moved on. I'm completely safe.

That boy is totally NOT safe. No one shall mess with the prank queen and get away un-scathed. I'm just lulling him into a false sense of security. Ooooooh. This is gonna be greeeeaaaat!

I have decided to do a prank that I know will get on his nerves. Putting those little pop-rock "fireworks" (the ones that you throw to the ground and make a tiny popping sound) everywhere in his room and lab. Only I got Simmons to help me doctor the sensitivity on these up so if you touch them they go pop.

I woke up really groggy as I stayed up really late night watching Breaking Bad with Hunter. I stumbled towards my bathroom to hop in the shower before breakfast but all the way a weird sound followed me... *POP* *POP* *POP* what was going on?!?

Skye had warned me about what she was doing to Fitz. It was genius. But, the only problem was that the bus had to deal with this:

*POP* "OPRAH WHINFREY, that one was louder than the rest."
*POP* *POP* *POP* "Okay. Whatever I'll just stay in this corner forever. It's settled."

All day. The whole entire day.

Theis began a war. Fitz bubble wrapped Skye's room. Skye put dye in Fitz' shampoo (unfortunately this  one failed and now Jemma  has blue hair). Fitz retaliated for Jemma and put water cups all around Skye's bed while she slept and she spent 3 hours getting out of it. She's very hydrated now. I made them truce after 6 days of straight prank wars. Those two are sooooo much like siblings it's unreal.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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