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I am a week pregnant now and im tryin my best to stay claim and collected.
Being pregnant is not for the weak.
I started to save money to get my own apartment for me and my baby. Even tho my sister said i could stay for as long as i want i wanted my own Space.
Jaden has been ... Jaden he acts the same so i just stay out of his way.
"Dream im leaving out to go to work" i yelled up the stairs. "Hold on im going to drop you off" she said she has been all over me since i started staying here.
I dont mind i know she just wants to make sure im ok but some times i just need to breathe.
I sat on the couch and waited on dream. I just scrolled on my instagram and i clicked on Jaden story and he was laid up with makayla in his bed.
I was think on calling him but thats not my nigga. I hope when my baby come he dont have her around him. I think im having a boy but eli keep sayin he thinks its a girl.
Im going to love my baby no matter what. "Ok come on " dream said coming down the stairs.
We pulled up to the front of my job and i got out "bye" i said waving dream goodbye.
I walked in and took my hearing aid out and went to the back to clock in.