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It was a bright, breezy morning when Est and William found themselves sitting in the backseat of their parents' car, heading off for their family's resort for vacation. Est glanced out of the window, watching the city melt into the countryside, while William sat beside him, already fiddling with his phone, playing game. Their moms were busy chatting away in the front, making plans for what they'd do once they arrived at the resort.

Est felt a twinge of relief at the thought of a few days away from school. He knew William was probably excited for the same reason, but for very different reasons. William hated being forced to think about school or his worsening academic reputation. Est had spent so much time worrying about his younger "brother," always trying to make sure William didn't get into more trouble than necessary, using his own good reputation to shield him from harsher punishments.

Today, however, Est promised himself that he wouldn't bring up anything related to school. They were on vacation, after all. William deserved to have fun, and Est hoped this trip would be a chance to reconnect, without the nagging worry that hovered over them back home.

When they arrived at the resort, the air was fresh, and the trees swayed gently in the breeze. The place was stunning—hills in the distance, a shimmering lake nearby, and trails winding through the forest. The perfect place to relax. William immediately jumped out of the car, stretching his legs with a groan and flashing a grin at Est. "Finally," he muttered, pushing his hands into his pockets, already eyeing the lake like it was calling to him.

Their parents checked into the cabin while Est helped unload the luggage. He looked over at William, who was slouched against the side of the car, clearly already bored. Est knew if he didn't step in now, William would drift off to do his own thing, leaving their vacation in different worlds.

"Hey," Est called to him, tossing a bag over his shoulder, "wanna go for a walk around the lake later?"

William shrugged, eyes still on his phone. "Maybe. Depends."

Est shook his head but smiled to himself. "I know you'd rather hang out with your friends online, but we're here for a reason. Let's make the most of it."

After they settled into their rooms, Est nudged William out of the house and down to the lake. They walked side by side along the shore, William kicking at the pebbles while Est enjoyed the quiet. He tried to keep the conversation light, talking about anything but school or William's behavior. For a while, they just walked in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, the kind they used to share when they were younger.

After a bit, Est noticed William's mood shifting. His bratty defenses were dropping. He was actually enjoying the view. They ended up sitting by the water, letting the waves lap at their feet. William leaned back on his arms, looking up at the sky, the sun dipping low in the horizon.

"You're pretty quiet today," Est noted, leaning over to look at his brother. "What's up with you?"

William scoffed, though there wasn't any real bite in it. "Just tired of everyone talking about school, y'know? I'm not stupid, but it's like... I don't care about any of that."

Est didn't reply right away. He didn't want to lecture him about the importance of school, not today. Instead, he just nodded. "I get that."

William threw him a skeptical glance. "Do you?"

"Yeah," Est said, surprising him. "I know you don't want to hear it, but... You're smart, Will. You just don't like being told what to do."

"Duh," William muttered, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes.

"I'm not gonna lecture you about it," Est added. "Not here. We're on vacation. Let's just... hang out."

That seemed to relax William. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. "Thanks, Phi," he muttered, surprising Est with the sincerity in his voice.

The next few days passed in a blur of activity. Est and William spent more time together than they had in months. They rented bikes, raced each other through trails, swam in the lake, and even teamed up in a friendly game of volleyball against their parents. Est was careful not to push him too hard, letting William set the pace.

By the end of the trip, William seemed lighter, more relaxed, and less of a brat. He wasn't snapping at everyone or cursing every five minutes. It was like a glimpse of the William Est knew was still in there—the sweet, fun kid who just wanted attention.

One night, on their last evening at the resort, they sat around a bonfire outside, roasting marshmallows. William had spent most of the evening scrolling through his phone, but as the flames crackled and the sky turned dark, he put it away, glancing over at Est.

"Phi," William said quietly, surprising Est.


"Thanks. For, you know... not making me feel like crap this trip."

Est smiled, stirring the embers with a stick. "Anytime, Will. You're not as much of a pain as you think."

William chuckled, throwing a marshmallow into the fire. "You're not as boring as I thought either."

They laughed, and for the first time in a long while, Est didn't feel like he was fighting to keep William close. It felt like, for once, they were just two brothers enjoying each other's company. No pressure, no expectations.

Just them.

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