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Thankfully, most of my night was spent navigating the usual crowd of subtly drunk rich people, each one clinging to their self-awarded titles like "Best Brown-Noser" or "Most Profitable Minion." The small-town elites were all the same—oblivious to my existence beyond the tray in my hands, like I was part of the décor instead of an actual person. It was a game to them, but to me, it was just another shift.

Except for him. Anthony.

The memory of his piercing green eyes lingered, sending a shiver up my spine. The way he looked at me—really looked at me—made me feel seen in a way that left a strange thrill in my chest. His gaze had followed me across the room, and even though I hadn't caught another glimpse of him since, I could still feel the weight of it, as if he were watching me even now.

In another life, I thought with a half-hearted chuckle, shaking my head. Yeah, right.

As the evening dragged on, I found myself scanning the crowd despite myself, hoping for another glimpse of him—maybe just to satisfy some fantasy for later. It had been too long since I'd felt that kind of pull towards anyone, and seeing a man like him sparked something in me, a dormant part of me that I had almost forgotten existed.

But if I did see him again, I knew better than to let myself get caught up in his spell. Men like Anthony, with that effortless, magnetic charm, never saw women like me as anything more than a passing distraction. Just a face, a fleeting encounter, before they moved on to someone more worthy of their attention. I wasn't going to be that girl.

And yet, the thought of him sent a warm flush coursing through my body.

But what if I let myself be used? I wondered, the idea creeping in, uninvited but intoxicating. What would it feel like to let a man like him take control, even if only for one night? His broad chest pressing against mine, those strong hands pulling me in, his mouth exploring me with that same quiet confidence, demanding my surrender. Would he be gentle at first, his touch teasing, only to grow rougher as the desire between us built, his arms wrapping around me, making me forget everything but him?

I shook the thought from my mind, my cheeks growing warm. A loud burst of laughter snapped me out of my thoughts, and I shook off the daydream. Besides, he was already taken, claimed by that goddess in the nude gown. I let out a bitter laugh. She's probably both flexible and filthy rich. I swallowed the sting of jealousy, trying to shift my focus back to the task at hand. After all, I had my own plans for the night—a date with Ben.

Great, I thought, rolling my eyes.

I made my way to the kitchen, eager to escape the endless stream of glitzy conversations, eventually slipping into Debra's office for a quick goodbye.

"So, did tonight live up to all your wildest dreams?" I asked, my voice heavy with sarcasm.

Debra glanced up from her paperwork, a hint of amusement tugging at her lips. "Oh, absolutely. Just the usual handful of complaints from the Remington's. Something about the chandeliers not being 'opulent' enough."

I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. "Not enough diamonds dangling from the ceiling, huh?"

She snorted, shaking her head. "Apparently not. Mr. Remington actually said, 'If I had known, I would've ordered more to fill the room.'" She nailed his pompous tone, rolling her eyes. "Funny thing is, they loved it last year. Same setup, same everything."

I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief. "Would it even be a proper Remington event if they didn't find something to nitpick?"

"Exactly." She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Anyway, you're all set for the night. Need anything before you head out?"

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