Chapter 1: A new beginning

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It was Nile's 15th birthday. The sky was as bright as the ocean with an ombre of different blues throughout the sky. The sun had the solar rays of bright orange, red, and green. The house of the River household had the warm feeling of a warm toasty fire in the winter, the fire was as hot as smores, the smoke smelled like one of the sizzling sausages when being cooked. Nile was in his room that was filled with decorative vines, leaves, and trees. Nile's parents presented him with a gift that had wrapping paper that was blue, black and gold. The bow had a golden hue with the golden glitter to add a bit of touch. As he opened the present and unwrapped the wrapping paper and untied the bow.

He saw a notebook-like journal that had a leather bound spine, cover and back with leaf markings all over it. Nile slowly ran his hand over the indents of the notebook in awe. As he spoke up he looked at his mother and father with a thankful smile. "Thank you mama and papa!" He said happily as he ran up to his parents and joyfully hugged them in a tight embrace of joy. When Nile hugged them, they happily accepted the warm embrace from their only son.

While they were hugging a sudden noise was heard, the sound of a mail slot being open and something being dropped inside. Nile's father, Mr. River walked over to the mail and picked up the letter which had the words.

TO Nile River

On the front of the letter in blue ink. Nile's father walked back over to his wife and son before handing the letter to Nile. Nile then slowly opened the letter and read it outloud.



You have been accepted into Arcane academy for elemental students. We welcome you with open arms. We accept you to be here on October 1st 2024 with the following supplies.

The school uniform in your element color

The elemental studies by Bogfur tree

A pair of leather boots

Your class schedule

And your brain

We hope you can make it. We will see you there!


Your head mistress


Nile's eyes widened in surprise as he showed his mother and father who seemed to go pale as a vampire before his mother spoke.

"Nile know if they realized you are a dark element they will have you killed" She said. Mr. River spoke up afterwards.

"Nile you'll have to fake a different element if you don't want to be caught.." he said. Nile nodded and headed upstairs to grab his coco berries that are green. When he went to his room he had trouble deciding which element to pretend to be....he had the choices of light, water, air, nature and fire. He thought real hard for a few minutes before deciding to go with earth. He picked up a forest green berries and drew a forest green leaf on his arm before patting it with a bit of gold flakes to match it with the nature element birthmark that nature kids had as babies. Nile then went on to make sure to cover up his black as night skull tattoo with a white bandage. As he walked to the market place in circle Square he could see the children running around happily playing. Nile slowly walked over to the first market stall where they sold uniforms. He picked out the nature uniform as he picked it up and paid six gold florins also known as money. Nile then walked over to the next stall and picked up the books they required for the first years. He paid with 18 gold florins for the books before heading to the very farthest stall in the market and picked out a black pair of leather boots with green leaves painted on it before paying 20 gold florins. As he walked away the stall keepers would wave and bid Nile farewell. As Nile walked down the winding goldish paths up to his cottage in the woods where the fireplace can be seen smoking up the chimney. Nile slowly opened the door only to be greeted with a whiff of chestnut pie being made in the kitchen. He placed his newly bought things by the door before going to the kitchen where his mother and father were baking away while chatting.

"Back already hun?" His mother had asked as she looked up from the baking pan as Nile nodded and took a seat next to his father who handed him a copy of the newspaper.

Nile immediately started to read the newspaper with his father but unlike his father Nile was more interested about what was happening to the dark elements who got caught. As he read he saw that a female who had the dark element was being executed just for existing. Nile was furious but he took deep breaths to calm down as he looked at his father who spoke up.

"It's a cruel world out there bud...that's why you need to keep your mark hidden at all times" His father had said as his mother nodded in agreement.

Nile sighed he knew better than to argue since they were telling the truth. It really was a cruel world out there and there was nothing he could do about it...or so he thought..

The next day Nile put on his uniform and was off for his first day at the academy for elements. On his way to the academy he saw different things from buffalo flyers to dodolines He looked up at the sun realizing he was going to be late if he didn't hurry. So Nile quickly started to run down the winding paths of Lumars biggest city Lake mar where the academy was located, as he ran he could see the white sparkly walls of the academy where there are different students in the courtyard. Nile slowly walked up to the door of the school and pushed it open to see a hall of gold and ruby's lined all the way through with students bustling about.

Nile watched the students move about looking for classes, their lockers, or something else. A girl with ash wavy hair with blue eyes with an air like tattoo on her cheek. She wore a uniform that was black and gold with a skirt and a name tag on it saying her name is Violet Rose Clark. Violet walked up to Nile with a shy smile.

"H-Hello there...I''m Violet Clark but you can call me Violet or Rose." She stuttered as she glanced at the ground, rubbing her arm in a shy like manner.

Nile smiled gently at her before speaking. "I'm Nile" He replied with a gentle yet serious voice. Violet looked surprised about Nile's gentle yet serious voice; it was clear she hadn't expected the new student to be so sweet to her. Violet smiled yet shy as Nile smiled

"Uhm so let me show you to the head mistresses office" Violet said as she gestured for Nile to follow her. Nile slowly walked beside her as she pointed out what things were or where they were on their way to the office. Nile stared in awe as he walked and as Violet pointed out things.

"I never have seen such a beautiful academy in my life" Nile said as Violet look at him as they walked.

"Well the headmistress puts a lot of time and effort into our school but she never allows a single dark element to step foot into the school. If a dark element is caught their arrested by the government and taken for testing as a lab rat or killed for just existing" Violet replied

Nile didn't seem to be shocked by this. He was used to seeing how cruel the world was, but he wasn't just about to let it stand in his way from learning and changing the laws eventually....

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Whispers of Lumar: the elemental impact at Arcane AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now