7(Memorys and Tears)

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The car slowly rolled through the crowded streets of Monaco in the middle of the day ....

From my window , the sun sparkled on the sea , while luxurious yachts swayed gently in the waves

There was a crowd of tourists wearing colorful summer clothes , laughing and taking pictures , as if the city were celebrating life

Meanwhile , I sat here in the back seat , completely helpless .... In the front seat , nurse sat next to the driver , chatting with him as if they were in a different world , far from my dark thoughts

Yes , a driver .... I had never let anyone drive me before , I was always the one behind the wheel, always in control , feeling the power of the engine beneath me, but now, everything felt different

I realized I had lost that freedom I had always lived with , and I felt anxious , lost

I looked down at my legs, placing my hands on my thighs and pressing down with all my strength

My fingers tried to feel something , but there was only a vast emptiness , a feeling of despair creeping in , Nothing , No sensation

It’s funny how life can be so cruel ... Just a few weeks ago, I was driving a car at speeds over 300 km/h , feeling the wind brush against my face as the streets flew by like a fast movie .... Now, I was disabled , unable to even walk

I think back to those moments, the adrenaline rushing through me , the feeling of complete control

How could everything change so quickly? How could I go from a life filled with freedom and adventure to this heavy feeling of loss?

I could see other cars passing us, as if they were telling me that life goes on , but I felt like I was in a glass cage , trapped in a world I couldn’t reach

I feel a sense of irony about myself ... Life had seemed easy and I thought nothing would ever stop me .... But here I am, facing a reality I can’t change

I wish I could go back to those days , back to who I was .. Where I felt free and now I wonder if I’ll ever walk again

The car stopped at a red light and I could see tourists taking pictures in front of the Casino of Monaco , some smiling and trying their luck at the games

Their laughter blended with the city’s noise , but I couldn’t smile. The world around me looked beautiful , as if life hadn’t been affected by what had happened to me , but I felt like just a shadow of myself , lost among all these colors and sounds

“Would you like something to eat before we arrive?”

the nurse asked , but he didn’t realize I was in a deep state of emptiness .... I couldn’t respond. There was nothing that could spark my appetite


I answered softly

“I’m fine”

Those words were a lie , but I needed to convince myself of that , to continue appearing calm and confident

As the car moved deeper into traffic , my mixed emotions grew stronger

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