I know, I know
Deep down in my heart and soul
You and me, we just don't belong
It feels like a huge gap of space in between
Forcing two natures to come across
The paths we are meant to follow
How can we possibly collide?
Was this meant to be?
Was this just a touch of momentary grace?
All these questions run through my head
Over and over again
Not allowing myself to be
I don't think it's healthy anymore
Deep down I feel I've given up
A long time ago
Maybe you did notice
That my spark was slowing fading
It's not your fault
I drifted apart
We drifted apart
Deep down
We don't belong together
But it's just my mind
Playing tricks on me
Escritos que no iba a publicar
PoesíaEsta es una colección de Escritos que no iba a publicar de relaciones dañadas. Algunos de estos escritos se habían perdido en la divinidad del tiempo. Algunos son momentos y experiencias vividas a lo largo de mis relaciones. Como no iba a publ...