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A/N : This is a rework of my past book on AO3 and I'm remaking it, also this is replaced MC au :3

I damn well know that this AU is very unrealistic but we want angst and we'll get what we want soldiers!! 🔥

Note: "Yuki" will be the other exchange student in this series! If Yuki is your Mac's name, you can imagine it as something else!

It made you so angry. How dare she, how dare she move in on them after what she’s done to you? How dare she use their sorrow for her own greed? And how do they not see what she’s doing to them? How do they not see the lies and manipulation she’s pulling on them?

You glare at the group settled in the common room. It was movie night, it seemed. Movie night… without you. Mammon, Asmodeus, and Leviathan were arguing over the movie choices. Satan was settled in an armchair with his book of the hour. Beelzebub was busy working his way through the popcorn they had prepared while Belphegor was dozing off on his twin’s side. Lucifer was sitting in his own claimed armchair, the same one no one else would sit in because he had claimed it, holding the bridge of his nose with his hand. Yuki, damn that witch, was trying to mediate between the three arguing before Lucifer would have to step in.

No one saw you standing behind the main couch, glowering at all of them. How could they? You were long since dead. A spirit with unfinished business… no thanks to Yuki. You had only been back, haunting the house for about a week, carefully watching all of them to see just how things were after you left the living. Honestly, you felt like they had already moved on. And why wouldn’t they? They had Yuki; they didn’t need you. You may have been the one with the pacts, you may have been the one who fixed their broken family, you may have been the one who was descendant from Lilith, but now you were gone and they had Yuki.

The argument was grating on your own nerves. You were tempted to reveal yourself, knock something over, throw something across the room, anything to shut them the fuck up, before Asmodeus shouted out, “MC would already know what to play!” Immediately, all yelling ceased.

You may be dead, but you could feel the temperature of the room drop at his words, the dead silence making even a spirit like you shiver. Your eyes drifted to each boy’s face in quiet contemplation. Asmodeus and Mammon looked like they were about to cry, Leviathan was frozen in shook, Satan looked like he was about to rip his book into pieces, Beelzebub just looked like a sad puppy and Belphegor had actually opened his eyes to stare blankly at the ground. Lucifer had frozen in place with his hand still against his face, but you knew he was just doing his damnest to hide his emotions. Interesting.

Yuki spoke up first, “Hey, hey, guys. How about we watch a feel-good movie? How about Homeward Bound?” her soft voice offered. “I know everyone had wanted to watch it before, right?” she asked. It was a soft voice from Belphegor that responded, “MC had wanted to watch it with us.” Satan didn’t even say anything. He just shoved himself out of the chair and stomped out of the room, presumably to his room. Beelzebub had stopped eating entirely, setting the popcorn down as Belphegor pat his twin’s shoulder lightly as a form of comfort.

“I… I don’t want to watch anything right now.” Leviathan had said in a small voice before he slipped out of the room as well. Yuki sighed softly, watching the two leave before looking to the others, “I know it still hurts; I miss them too, but maybe we should talk this out instead of ignoring-“ “There’s nothing to talk about.” Lucifer’s deep voice interrupted her, his turn to stand and make his own excuse, “Not until we find who murdered them.” He then added with a dismissive tone, swiftly turning away from them and stalking away to his own room as well.

Asmodeus was next to leave, making some pathetic excuse about needing to sleep early for something in the morning, though his face looked like he was just heading off to his room for privacy. Beelzebub stood up then as well, picking up his brother in an arm, who either had actually fallen back asleep, or was pretending to so he wouldn’t have to talk, “We’re going too. I don’t feel hungry anymore.”

And then there was two. Mammon stayed, slouched over with that pathetically sad look on his face and Yuki rested a hand on his arm, “Come on Mammon. You wanna come watch something with me in my room?” she asked him, “I know you don’t want to be alone right now.” He nodded, easily pulled after her as she headed off to said location.

Finally, you remained in the common room. They never knew you were here, watching them; they never felt your presence. You didn’t doubt they would’ve moved Devildom and the Celestial Realm to bring you back if you had made it known that you were right here, in the same room as them the whole time. But the little voice in the back of your mind stopped you. You wanted to make your murderer suffer; you wanted them to pay for what they did to you. For what she was still doing to them. And you already had a plan as a ghost. No need to ruin it now.

You grinned as you eyed all the place where the boys had previously been. There was still a wall between her and the boys. Good. That’ll make this all the more fun.

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