02: An Argument

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Fifteen days later,

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Fifteen days later,

I was soooo excited since my marriage got fixed with Agastya. But, we didn't even talk once since he left and neither did I force him to.. I understand he must took his time to process what happened.

Well, I'm happy because I'm going to see Agastya's house today. The main purpose is to see him the house is just an excuse

"Are you ready??" My mom asked as I draped the duppata around my neck and moved outside the house

"Yes, let's go." I said as we went and sat in the car.

We drove for about 20 minutes to reach his house and my mom lectured me to behave nicely all the way.

"Hare Krishna" I said and bowed to touch all the elder's feet

"Kal bola tha na, gale laga kar tu" Agastya's mom said as she hugged me as I smiled
(I told you yesterday, hug me)

We went inside as I saw Agastya being furious about I don't know what

"Dear, we'll talk to the priest until then, Agastya will show you the house." His dad said as I followed Agastya around

"This is my room." He said as I smiled, only his voice could calm me

I saw the room, messy, and I saw bottles of Alcohol, wine and ciggerates
God, it must be of Viaan
But-- he just said it's his room

"Y-you drink and smoke?" I asked as he nodded in agreement

"Yes I do." He said taking a cigarette in his hand and lighting it up

I was allergic to ciggerates so I moved my face to the other side. Well, it's not his fault, he'll quit someday. Until then, I'll manage

"To be honest, you shouldn't do all these. It'll affect your health and--"

"And what? Listen it's only been once since we've met so you do not get to control my life. Stay the fuck away from me and don't even dare to say these things again." He said in a harsh tone

Something in me switched
Never in my life someone has even dared to talk with me like that, how could he?

"I- I should go--- take care." I said and ran away as far as I could from there

The things I could think of is, why is it happening? What is wrong with Agastya? Did I fall for a red flag?

I was thinking of all these when my foot slipped and I was about to fall

Viaan grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him
The moment stayed still while I looked at him, Black eyes, sharp jawline and perfect posture.
What am I even thinking? He's still the bad guy.

I straightened up myself and looked at him
"Careful.. be careful" He said, his voice calm and composed

"Sorry- I didn't mean to-- I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" He said, his face a little tensed and worried

"Are you- are you okay?" He asked hesitatingly as I nodded

"Yeah, chill. Thankyou for saving me." I said smiling and he smiled back

" I said smiling and he smiled back

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Work. Stupid work. That's all I have been doing since I got here.

"I need this work to get completed today." I said to my employee and hung up the phone while I moved towards my room

Agastya was getting married to Amaya. As long as they both are happy, it's okay.

I saw Amaya slipping so I went there and held her wrist immediately to prevent her from falling.

Dark amber eyes, round lips, perfection screaming from every ounce of her.
Agastya is surely very lucky.

She straightened up herself and looked at me
I was already gone. Too far gone.

"Careful.. be careful" I said, stammering a little. Why am I even stammering?

"Sorry- I didn't mean to-- I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I said worried because I might have made her uncomfortable with my touch

"Are you- are you okay?" I asked hesitatingly as she nodded

"Yeah, chill. Thankyou for saving me." She said smiling and I smiled back

Her smile. Her slight smile. Because of me. Or something else. The way she is stuck in my heart since so long

If it weren't for Agastya, I was getting her anyway but they both seem happy together I guess.

She went outside without saying anything else and I made my way towards my room. Smiling like an idiot because she smiled at me.

Definitely an idiot.
Ignoring my thoughts, I started working again.

 Ignoring my thoughts, I started working again

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