chapter 6

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Chloe's pov
"Chloe?" I hear a familiar voice say.
We both look in that direction to see Alan.
",you're with red?"he says walking up to us
"Well, yea" I say.
"Is this why you broke up with me?"
"Yes.." I say
"How long was this going on for" he asks.
"Um for a few weeks..." I mumble.
"So you cheated on me" he says
"Yea" I mumble again.
I just shrugged but continued to grip red's hand.
"I waited for you! I waited until you were ready Chloe!"
"Oh my fucking God! Everything is about you isn't it! I was so fucking horny that day but for red! She didn't care about herself! Man she almost died for me!" I say.
"But how could you! I was perfect I waited for you" he complains.
"Everything is always about you huh" red speaks up.
"No not everything cuz now it's about her cheating on me!"
She scoffs.
"You see you taking it all on her!" She says.
"Well yea cuz she fucked you!"
"No she didn't! I fucked her! I was the one who came up to her window and kissed her. But hey I was drunk that night but the next morning I fucked her again yet you blame her!"
"Hey I fucked her again today like not even 20 minutes ago, oh and remember when she called you I was fucking her then!" She adds.
Alan punches her but cops quickly arrests him.
She wipes the blood and we head inside.
I hug red's waist while she washes her face.
"I'm sorry" I say.
"For what?"
"For everything, I'm sorry I made you make me cheat on Alan, I'm sorry that I let you fuck me and got you into this mess, I'm really sorry"
"You don't have be sorry about anything, I was drunk that night, yet I still did it in the morning because I wanted to. You don't have to say sorry"
She says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I smile softly.
She kisses me of course I kiss back.
"I love you" I say breathless and inches away from kissing her again
"I love you even more" she says kissing me again. It turns into a make out season. She reaches down and grips my ass which earns a soft moan from me. One hand was on my cheek and her other was on my hip. My hands were just on her neck pushing her body against me.
We stop when the door flew open.
"Okay red you already fucked her no need to fuck her twice in one day" Aubrey says.
"She did that before" i whisper.
"Yea we heard y'all talking to Alan, he's pissed right now" Camila says
"Yeah figured" i say leaning against the counter.
Red takes her time to check me out.
"Anyways, so those were your exes?" I ask
"Yea James and Ace"
"Yea James and Ace I guess teamed up cuz they are still obsessed with me. Ace charged at Chloe with a knife and tried to stab her cuz he's still obsessed with me, James sent the message because he's still obsessed with me. What the fuck is going on with everyone being obsessed with me man!" Red explains.
"I mean, I don't blame them" I smirk and check her out.
She rolls her eyes.
"Well I'ma sleep cuz this day is tiring me out" she says going to her room.
"Y'all can stay over if y'all want" red says before closing the door. We all nod. The girls flop onto the couch and watch TV. I head to red's room. I open the door to see her changing. I gladly take my time to admire her while I lean on the door frame. She doesn't put a shirt on and just wears some black pajama pants and a black laced bra.
"You can change if you want. You can wear whatever you want" she says
I grab some of her boxers and her shirt.
I come out and she puts her phone down.
I straddle her before kissing her neck.
I left one hickey and one lip mark which made me smirk. She rests her hands on my thighs while I rest my head on her chest falling asleep.

(Something is telling me Alan is not done)

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