First Day

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Jason White let a deep breath out as he arrived at the Suburbia High Maximum Prison for his first day as a military worker.

"It's my first day," he said blissfully. "Gotta make a good first impression.

He smiled brightly, stepping out of the military jeep that was being driven by his father, who also happened to be the president of the United States.

"Bye, dad!" Jason said lovingly, hugging him.
"Your gonna do okay, kid," his dad said coldly and got back in the car.

Jason sighed and pushed his hair behind his ear, "I have to prove that I'm ready for responsibility."

He grasped his belongings tightly and began walking towards the prison building. He showed his ID to the guards at the front gate, and they let him in. Once inside, Jason began looking around at his surroundings.

"This is a lot different from home," he said, nervously but at the same time hopefully.

He looked around at all the dark, grungy room that was the Warden's office.

"Um, hello? Is anyone there?" he asked the nothingness cautiously.

The door flung open, making Jason jump cutely as a gruff man walked in. He had stubble and was dressed in a camouflage uniform. He raised a questioning eyebrow and said, "so your the new guy, huh? Your shorter than I thought you'd be."

Jason rolled his eyes at the obviously mysongynistic comment. "Actually," he started, "height has nothing to do with my ability to kick your butt."

"Oh, he's got some fight in him," the Warden chuckled, "there may be hope for you yet."

Jason blushed from his inability to take compliments due to years of bullying for his feminine appearance and manner.

The Warden then led him to the barracks, where about three other soldiers were chatting casually.

"Boys! This is Jason White, our new recruit for guarding... you know what," The Warden trailed off and the boys chuckled, causing Jason to clutch his cardigan tighter.

He felt so small next to all the cool, cold men. He stood awkwardly as the Warden talked some things other with the other soldiers. After a few moments of talking, he exited the room, leaving Jason alone with the three others.

"Your bunk's over here, new guy," one of the soldiers said, pointing to a bed against one of the walls.

Jason nodded shyly, trying to hide that he was beginning to blush again. He didn't like how all the soldiers were eyeing him. He even thought he heard them snickering as he walked over to his bunk to put down his stuff. Despite being nervous, he decided this was a good opportunity to try and make some friends.

"So, how come we're all commissioned here? What's so special that needs so many people guarding it?" he asked brightly.

The soldiers looked indifferent but answered nonetheless, "Three guys just got shipped in from Oakland."

Jason's heartbeat quickened at the word "Oakland."

"O-Oakland?" he stuttered out, "that's a pretty scary place." He just shivered at the thought of all the rude people littering their trash in the streets with no respect for the environment!

The boys snickered at his scared response and decided to have fun with it. "Oh, yeah, they're horrible! And since we know you're ready for responsibility, you get the first watch," the main one, named Jake, said with a smirk.

Not wanting to show that he was scared, Jason gave a forced smile and determined nod. Jake handed him a rifle and sent him on his way towards a small area caged in by barbed wire fences.

Jason glanced back at Jake nervously. He gulped. He then began walking towards the caged in area, not knowing what his future could possibly be.

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