Chapter 3 - Realize

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Years Ago..

It was a chilly Christmas Eve, and the streets were quiet, lit only by the soft glow of festive lights. Satoru Gojo walked along the snow-covered path, his little sister, Saori, perched on his shoulders, directing him with great enthusiasm. Despite her small size, she acted like she knew exactly where they were going, her voice full of confidence.

Saori: Turn left, Onii-chan! left!

Satoru chuckled, following her instructions but with a teasing lilt in his voice.

Satoru: You sure we're not going in circles, Saori? This feels awfully familiar.

Saori: Hey! I've been here lots of times! It always happens on Christmas Eve, trust me!

Satoru smiled to himself. He knew the city much better than she did, but indulging Saori's sense of adventure was one of his favourite things to do. After a little while longer, her voice suddenly lit up with excitement.

Saori: Look, Onii-chan! Look!

She pointed up toward the sky, and Satoru's gaze followed her hand. Above them, the night sky stretched endlessly, dotted with stars that glittered like diamonds. Among them, a bright cluster formed the Milky Way, and Saori's eyes sparkled with wonder.

Saori: It's so beautiful!!

Her breath caught as she pointed toward a streak of light, and then another—a meteor shower. Shooting stars zipped across the heavens, leaving trails of light in their wake.

Saori: Quick, Onii-chan, make a wish!

Saori squeezed her eyes shut, making her wish in a soft, inaudible whisper. Satoru watched her with a fond smile, the warmth of her joy radiating off her in waves.

Saori: Okay, I'm done!

Satoru: What did you wish for? A lifetime supply of candy?

Saori wrinkled her nose, scowling.

Saori: What am I, four? No way! I wished for something way better.

Satoru chuckled at her sass.

Satoru: Okay, okay. Can you tell me what you wished for, then?

Saori: Nah-ah, Onii-chan! If I tell you, it won't come true!

Satoru sighed but smiled, knowing better than to press her. She was stubborn—just like him.

Satoru: Alright, if you say so...

They continued watching the stars together, enjoying the peacefulness of the night until it was time to head back. As they made their way home, Saori grew tired, so Satoru carried her on his back, her arms loosely draped around his neck. The warmth between them was comforting, and the rhythmic sound of their steps in the snow filled the quiet air.

On the way back, Satoru's tone grew more serious.

Satoru: Hey, Saori. Mother told me something. She said you tried activating your Limitless technique for an entire day... until you got a nosebleed and collapsed.

Saori's grip tightened slightly.

Satoru: You're lucky she was able to use her reverse curse technique on you. That was dangerous, Saori. You shouldn't push yourself like that.

Saori: But I was only trying to be like you...

Her voice was small, but her words hit Satoru deeply. He stopped walking for a moment, surprised. He turned his head slightly to look at her, but she wasn't finished.

Saori: Being the strongest must be exhausting, right? I thought if I could keep up with you... then maybe you wouldn't have to be the strongest all by yourself.

Jujutsu Kaisen : The Hidden Gojo Sister/ MEGUMI X OCWhere stories live. Discover now