A demon's tricks // both POVs

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I have a math exam in 3 days. PLEASE KILL ME🤗🤗🤗 anyways yumihisu canon

Tysm for reading!!

Human/Vampire speaking: Hello
Thoughts: Hello
Demon speaking: Hello
Demon thoughts: Hello


Taeki's POV

I woke up in an empty space, arms and legs spread out, making me look like some starfish. With a bored and tired expression on, I slowly sat up and looked at the demon in front of me.

"Yeah, no, I don't really have something you could traumatize me with all over again or some shit.", I shrugged and yawned, the demon's glare sharpening.

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna let you off that easily. If you want my power, you'll have to earn it. First thing will be to not laze around like that!! Seriously, why should I even lend you my power!"

"Well aren't we getting along well...", I mumbled sarcastically but still with a dry look on my face. In all seriousness, I was too tired for this shit...I just want the weapon and then sleep— pause. My eyes widened as the scenery around us changed. I found myself in front of Inara's old house as my 10 year old self.

The door opened and out of it came the white haired girl, also as her 10 tear old self. She was covered in bruises and close to crying.
"Inara...I- what happened!?", I asked even though I already knew the answer. Her parents were very strict about everything and that soon lead to abuse. Before I could say anything else, she silently hugged me and cried onto my shoulder.

"There, there...it's okay. I'm here now.", I tried to reassure her somehow, but the answer she gave me took me by surprise.

"Maybe so. But only now. I thought we wanted to meet earlier? You could've tried and stop my parents from doing this to me, but you didn't. You're too slow for anything. Soon, you'll have trouble to keep up with me. You're pathetic.", Inara's words hit me like a ton of bricks. I slowly let go of her and stepped back. It's the demon.

"I'm not stupid, y'know? You're not the only one who's sharp. Inara would never say such things. Oh and also, that was a pathetic trick.", I confronted the demon directly, anger slowly welling up inside of me. I watched the scenery around us change once again. Now the demon had the form of Inara as her 16 year old self in its arm, the axe I chose as a weapon held to her throat.

"And what would you say now? Inara or your parents.", another form of the demon appeared, this time holding the weapon above my mother's head. I paused, brows furrowing. My parents are already dead, asshole...I've got to stay with Inara, no matter what. I took a deep breath and clenched my fists.

"I'll always choose Inara. Try and change my mind, it won't work!", I yelled at the demon and glared daggers at it.

"Hm. Well, what about...Inara or your sister?", the demon was trying to make me go back to the dead? Yeah no, not gonna happen.

"Still Inara. It will always be her.", I yelled out once again, my glare darkening.

"Well if you're so sure about that. Would you rather save Inara...or the world. All vampires would be gone. Your family stays alive...you just have to abandon one single girl.", the demon grinned, clearly amused by my hesitant expression.

"Inara. I will always and forever choose her! No matter what decision you'll give me!! She's the only person that matters to me. The only person who I believe in. The only person I set my trust in. She's the only person I love.", the words came rushing out of me. Of course I meant them, except for the love part. Don't get me wrong, I love her...as my best friend. She's important to me like no one else is.

"Mh. Good enough. You seem to have a strong will without even needing to prove it. But get this, if I catch you lacking then I'll take over your body and kill everyone.", the demon spoke and walked up to me, the illusions of Inara and my mother disappearing. I grinned at its words and grabbed the axe.

"Alright. So, maybe we should start from the beginning. I'm Taeki. And you are?", I looked at the demon in front of me, he had long black hair and was a little shorter than me.

((lemme make smt up again))

"Khazra.", he spoke shortly, his tone a little amused. After that, the space around me disappeared and I got sucked back into the real world, lazily laying on the ground. As I sat up and looked around, I realized I was the first to wake up again. Shortly after me was Kimizuki and then Yuichiro. There were only Yoichi and Inara left. Inara looked uneasy, her brows furrowed and her grip on her weapon tight.

Inara's POV

I found myself in my room, door closed. I was back in the body of my 12 year old self. Pause. I knew what this was. This is the day my parents were killed by the vampires. As soon as I heard the first slash and the scream of my father, I ran outside the door this time and stared wide eyed at the two vampires. The one who killed my father had black hair and bags under his eyes, meanwhile the other with purple hair stood behind my mother.

"Aww, look, René! They have a daughter, isn't that so adorable?", the purple haired one said and looked down at me with a grin. My hands were shaking and my mom stared at me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, brat! Are you so dense to think your useless ass could stop them!?", she yelled at me...as always. Tears formed in my eyes. I should've stayed in my room, like it actually happened. My brows furrowed and I screamed out, running at the vampire holding my mother.

"Leave my mom alone, you bastards!", my voice broke slightly and before I could land a punch, the black haired vampire easily grabbed my wrist, twisting it and stopping me from punching the other. I yelled out in shock at the painful feeling of the twist and fell onto my knees.

"You're so useless. You'll never succeed in anything!", my mom yelled at me again and I winced. My eyes fixated on the bloody floor in front of me and all emotion drained from my face. I've got to do something...if not, I'll be killed too. Or the demon might even take over my body...but this-...this version of me is too weak, right...? I stood up again, punched the black haired one into the stomach and then kicked the purple haired one's shin with all my strength.

"I said leave her alone!!", I yelled again, now standing in front of my mother, anger filling up my eyes. With my thin arms, I tried to drag my mother away from them, without really succeeding. Damn it...there's got to be something I can do. Before I could finish thinking, my small body was kicked to the side. My back hit the wall and knocked all the air out of my lungs. A faint voice called out...

"Inara, it's your fault."

Then everything went black.


ALRIGHTTT second chapter done!! I'm probably gonna skip the fight against demon yoichi cus I'm lazy af ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

Tysm for reading!!!

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