Guns n' gays // Inara's POV

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I just got fucked up by the rain omw back home from school😇 ANYWAYS I'm gonna pull through my math exam tomorrow and then let my head get bombed with ideas for my chapters💪💪

Human/Vampire talking: Hello
Thoughts: Hello
Demon speaking: Hello
Demon thoughts: Hello


Inara's POV

I woke up in the empty space again. I tried to recall the voice I heard before getting sucked back here, but nothing...In front of me laid the literal guns I chose as weapons and behind them the demon. A not so tall girl with short purple hair. She turned around and leaned down, seemingly inspecting me.

"Uhhh what is this supposed to be?", I asked with a confused expression. Her eyes narrowed and she stood up straight again, now crossing her arms.

"Oh well, I think you MIGHT be worthy lending my power to. But don't think you can let your strong will hanging just because you got my power. Otherwise, I'll take over and kill everyone...and maybe myself after." She smirked down at me and bend down to grab the guns, which she then pointed at me. "Take 'em."

"So...who exactly are you?", I questioned her after grabbing hold of the guns and standing up too.

((making smt up again ಠ_ಠ))

"Aeshma.", the demon answered and stared right at me. Not to lie...her stare was creeping me out a tiny weencie bit. I stayed quiet and just nodded in response.

"Sooo...Aeshma, one last question before I return to the...aehem...normal life. Was that voice I heard while I was pulled back into this space yours?"

"What voice? I didn't say anything." My brows furrowed at that and I nodded hesitantly.

"Ah okay...uh well never mind then." Before I could say anything else I was pulled back into reality and slowly woke up, the first thing my eyes landed on being Taeki made me smile instantly. She looked...worried...maybe because I was- THE LAST ONE TO WAKE UP??? What. I seriously took THAT long? I swear I could feel my pride cracking a little.

"You look worried, did I miss something here ooooorrr...?" Taeki just shrugged as an answer and helped me up before she started explaining when I saw the twink- OKAY SERIOUSLY WHAT WAS HIS NAME...his name was uhm...YOICHI. When I saw Yoichi laying on the floor as if he was dead as fuck.

"The demon took over but we could somehow convince him to fight it. And what a wonder, he did. By the way, look, I have an axe as a weapon. Isn't that so- why the fuck do you have guns Inara?"
At first I was shocked by the news of what happened and then grinned proudly as I showed my weapons to her.

"Pretty fire, ain't it?", before Taeki could answer me, Guren spoke up with his arms crossed and a bored...or even slightly angry...expression.

"Good. You have your weapons, now come on.", we all then followed him again and left this big ass room. Those huge faces were weird as hell and lowkey scared the shit out of me.

"So what now?", Yuichiro asked for everyone and sped up his pace a little to match the one of Guren.

"Training. I'll split you guys into teams of two. Yuichiro and Kimizuki. Shinoa and Taeki. And Yoichi and Inara. Those should be fair teams." As soon as Guren was done explaining the teams, Yoichi looked over at me with an uneasy expression.

"Might I remind you that she has guns...?", Yoichi smiled nervously while Guren just shrugged without a care in the world. Meanwhile, I grinned at Yoichi, who just sighed and then summoned his weapon. "Fine. Let's do this, Inara."

As Guren gave us a signal to start, I immediately pulled the trigger, a black panther rushing out of both pistols. it works like Shinya's weapon. Interesting. Yoichi avoided the two panthers and shot two arrows through them, making them disappear. He then aimed one at me, which I easily dodged.

This went on for some time until I eventually got close enough to Yoichi, so that I could trap him. I had one leg placed over his arms as he laid on the floor, one of my hands wrapping around his neck while I pressed my second gun right against his forehead.

"Okay, okay! You won...I don't want to almost get killed a second time today...", Yoichi mumbled with a nervous closed-eye smile at me.

"Right...what even happened back there? I was still fighting with Aeshma while you- uhm...lost control?", I was hesitant about my choice of words since I didn't want to offend him or anything...

"Aeshma? Is that your demon?" At Yoichi's question, I just nodded shortly before he continued.
"Well for starters, I was too weak-minded and the demon took over. Guren wanted to straight up kill me but thanks to Yuu, he changed his mind and let Yuu do it his own way. Somehow he actually managed to reach me with his words and I took control again..."

I stared at Yoichi the whole time he was explaining, amazed by Yuichiro's reaction to such a situation. That boy had me amazed since the first second I laid eyes on him. NOT IN THAT WAY...I think...after all, the person I find most amazing is Taeki.

"Well that's some crazy shit." After we talked a little more while sitting next to each other, my eyes fell on Taeki and how she fought Shinoa. Her skills and movements were good. As their weapons clashed together, Taeki's eyes snapped over to me for a mere second, making my heart skip a beat and my cheeks heat up.

She's so amazing. And she's my best friend. Mine alone.



I really have no ideas😞 I just want to write angst but am too lazy to write everything before that😪😪 sighhhh

Tysm for reading!!

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