loser ruin x Kay part 3

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The soft glow of the streetlights guided Ruin through the familiar path to The Forge, her footsteps slow and hesitant. Her heart was already racing by the time she reached the door, but it wasn't from the stress of her job or the anticipation of numbing herself with whiskey. No—this feeling was different.

She wasn't sure when it started, but recently, her nights at the bar had become the highlight of her week, not because of the alcohol but because of Marceline.

Ruin opened the door, stepping into the warm, dimly lit space. She scanned the room, her brown ears twitching nervously. There weren't many patrons tonight—just a few regulars seated at the far end, barely noticing her arrival.

And then she saw her.

Marceline stood behind the bar, her cherry-red hair loose and flowing tonight, framing her pale face. Her dull blue eyes flicked up as Ruin entered, and for a moment, the world seemed to still. Marceline smiled—a small, knowing smile that sent warmth flooding through Ruin's chest.

"Hey, you," Marceline called out softly as Ruin approached the bar. "You're early tonight."

Ruin smiled shyly, sliding into her usual seat. She couldn't meet Marceline's eyes for more than a few seconds before glancing away, her heart pounding too loudly in her chest. "Yeah, I... I wanted to get out of the office," Ruin muttered. It wasn't entirely a lie—work had been unbearable, as always. But the truth was, she just wanted to see Marceline.

"Rough day?" Marceline asked, pouring Ruin a drink without her even needing to ask. It was lighter again, something gentler than the harsh whiskey Ruin usually drank. Marceline always seemed to know what she needed without her saying it.

Ruin nodded, wrapping her fingers around the glass. "Same as usual," she mumbled. "But being here helps."

Marceline leaned against the bar, her eyes soft as she watched Ruin. "I'm glad," she said, her voice quiet but sincere.

Ruin's face flushed at the warmth in Marceline's gaze. She felt exposed, like Marceline could see right through her shyness, her anxieties, her insecurities. But instead of making her feel small, it made her feel... safe. Like Marceline didn't judge her for any of it.

For a while, they sat in comfortable silence. Ruin sipped her drink slowly, letting the warmth calm her nerves. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the growing feelings that had been building inside her. Every time she saw Marceline, every time they talked, it became harder to ignore. She was falling. Hard.

And what terrified her more was the idea that Marceline might feel the same way.

"Marcy," Ruin whispered, the nickname slipping out before she could stop herself.

Marceline blinked, her eyes widening slightly at the sound of it. No one had ever called her that—at least, not in years. But instead of correcting Ruin, Marceline smiled, a softness in her expression that made Ruin's heart skip a beat.

"You can call me that," Marceline said quietly, leaning closer to Ruin. "I like it."

Ruin's face flushed deeper, her ears twitching in embarrassment. "I-I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine," Marceline interrupted, her smile growing warmer. "Really."

The bar suddenly felt much smaller, the air between them charged with something Ruin didn't know how to handle. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her fingers trembling slightly as they rested on the glass. She wanted to say more, to tell Marceline everything that had been building up inside her, but the words were stuck in her throat, blocked by years of self-doubt and fear.

But Marceline seemed to sense her hesitation. She reached out, her hand gently brushing against Ruin's. "You okay?"

Ruin swallowed hard, her throat tightening. She looked down at their hands, her fingers barely brushing against Marceline's cool skin. The small touch sent sparks through her body, and for a brief moment, the fear faded, replaced by a desperate need to be honest.

"I... I don't know what's happening to me," Ruin whispered, her voice barely audible. "But when I'm here... with you... I feel like everything else disappears."

Marceline's eyes softened, her thumb gently brushing over Ruin's knuckles. "I know," she murmured. "I feel it too."

Ruin's breath hitched, her heart skipping a beat at the quiet confession. She looked up, meeting Marceline's gaze, and for the first time in a long while, she felt like she wasn't alone in her feelings.

"I'm scared," Ruin admitted, her voice trembling. "I don't... I don't know how to deal with this."

Marceline's grip on her hand tightened just slightly, her touch reassuring. "You don't have to be scared," she said softly. "We'll figure it out together."

Ruin bit her lip, her chest tightening. She had spent so long being afraid—afraid of messing up, afraid of letting people in, afraid of being vulnerable. But here, with Marceline, she didn't feel like a failure. She didn't feel like a loser.

She felt wanted.

"Marcy," Ruin whispered again, the nickname feeling more natural now, more intimate. "I think I'm... falling for you."

Marceline smiled, her dull blue eyes sparkling with something tender, something deeper than Ruin had ever seen before. "I think I'm falling for you too, Ruin."

Ruin's heart swelled, the fear and doubt that had been weighing her down for so long lifting, just a little. She wasn't sure where this would go or how it would end, but for the first time in what felt like forever, she was willing to take the chance.

And as Marceline's hand rested gently in hers, their fingers intertwined, Ruin realized that maybe—just maybe—she was finally finding something worth holding onto.

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