Chapter 2: So what now?

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Here i am. I stood frozen in the doorway of "my" room, my heart pounding harder every second that went by. I've never been felt with such a sense of dread reading my own name, besides for when it was on a list of those banned from entering mountains.

I started to step cautiously down the hallway, the silence around me making each hair on my body stick out like a needle from a hedgehog. After i had finally crept my way down to the end of the hallway, one final door had awaited me. Just as i was going to put my hand on the knob, i heard the sound of machinery moving right above my head, and i had fallen back in fear.

I looked up at the ceiling of the eerie hallway i found myself in, which was now starting to open a hole in which a large television made its way out of.

I looked up at the ceiling of the eerie hallway i found myself in, which was now starting to open a hole in which a large television made its way out of

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"Welcome!" the television bellowed. After the confetti animation on the screen reached the bottom, it had a sudden change to a 3-d modeled monkey. "HI! I'm XPMonk, your new pal who's here to guide you through your new life!"

I stood frozen in fear. Did this machine really think i was going to give a formal reply when it had just scared the breath out of me?

"Is something wrong? That green monkey program said to me. I was still shell shocked. "w-what- wha.." The television gorilla looked at me confused, but then said; "Well... Lets get on with the introduction, then! You must be Detective Soy. Welcome, to PBBV's Manor For Peculiar Rillas!"

PBBV. I had heard that name before. It was whispered by my colleagues. In lobbies. A major myth, I believed. But... Could it be? This beast is real? But suddenly — my train of thought was interrupted as i was dragged out of the hallway and into the next room.

"This is the Game Room! We have all sorts of board games and tabletops! Foosball, Pool, Shuffleboard- You name it, we probably have it!"

That sounded nice. It has been awhile since i played any of those games- Hold on. I noticed something — someone in the corner of my eye.
I turned my head, facing the Rilla. They were small. Blue. A tiny flower placed on her head. Sitting in a chair too big from them, drawing with crayons on the pool table.

It hit me- Thats Shelly. The little missing girl. I remember my coworkers stressing about her case. she disappeared one day, her home entirely ransacked and destroyed like some beast came through it. If you had seen the scene, you'd know that no fellow gorilla could have created that mess.

"Hey-" I stuttered. "Why not stop here in this room for a bi-" But i was interrupted. "NEXT ROOM!" XP shouted at me, as i was dragged into the following room.

This was another long room, but this time it was a massive table. Each chair, just like the hallway, having a name engraved into it. There was also a bar right next to it, i'm assuming thats where they cook. What do these people even eat? Probably gorilla parts...

"You can sit right here at dinner, Soy!" XPMonk showed me a seat placed at the direct end of the table. There my name was again, itched into the wood of the seat. I was curious- who sat on the other end? I walked over to the seat.

"P. B. B-"

"NEXT ROOM!" Was the last thing i heard in the dining room, before i was dragged out yet again. Unlike the last times where i was placed gently down, this time i was thrown out directly in the middle of the room. I got up, brushing my shoulders when i felt a sense of dread pierce me — i looked around.

Everyone was in here. This was the living room. I looked around, immediately seeing some faces i had seen on the pinboards, wanted, missing, etc. But there was two in that room that i could feel from a distance. Their Aura some might say. I looked over toward the couches and seats, they caught my eyes.

A tall mantis & and a salmon colored gorilla which i only heard in myth. story. legend. That was him. PBBV. In the flesh. We locked eyes for a long minute, staring deep into each other's soul. Until, someone finally uttered out, "Hey. Can you move out the way please? We're trying to watch the news." I tried to reply, but i was unable too.

I looked around the room, hoping for some blessing to get me out of this situation, until i finally got one. A nice butterfly person gently pat next to them, and so i sat. "Hellooo! My names bianca, whats yours?" i stuttered multiple times before i could finally utter my name. "...Soy."

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