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Q:"Have you ever fired a gun?"
A:"Sadly, no :(."

Q:" If Donkey Kong is a monkey, not a donkey, why was he given that name?"
A:"Because he looked like a donkey (?)"

Q:"Do you ever cry while watching an emotional film?"
A:"I would cry 24/7. I watched "Lolo and the Kid" for the first time, I cried for the happy scenes (Probably my grandfather died 4 years ago..) Well actually I did not finished the movie (Yeah, I watched it on another website not Netflix. I am too poor to pay ;-; )

Q:" Do you like dancing when no one is looking?"

Q:"Can you describe your friendship in three words?
A:" Friendly Chaotic Friendship."

Q:"Would you rather be smart or attractive?"
A:"Smart. I want to become successful..."

Q:" Have you ever broken your friend's bone in the past?"
A:"No but my friend broke mine. It almost gave me scoliosis ;-;"

Q:"Have you ever been in a toxic friendship?"
A:" I don't know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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