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Accusations.Part II.


"Who is that?" Ashton spat.

I looked where his finger was pointing and saw a boy in a black hood watching our table. His face blurs from the distance, but there's no doubt who he was looking at.

"A new suitor for Nova, I think," Scott replied without much interest.

There are a lot of people talking, the noise stuns me, and the embarrassment generated by the new rumors makes me want to go hide with Lala, the cook of the cafeteria.

"Why are you so quiet?" Nova breaks my thoughts, stroking my hair.

She is sitting on the table, with Rafa's head on her lap as if it were her pet.

"It's just that... there's a rumor about us," I say, feeling the weight of their gazes fall on me.

Megan and the others turn their attention, except for Nayet, who is still absorbed in her phone next to me.

"It is said that—" We had a threesome—loose, with a thread of voice barely coming out of my throat.

Silence takes over the table for a brief moment. My friends' eyes are fixed on me, scrutinizing me. Rafa frowns, clearly confused, while Ashton opens his mouth to say something, until Nova explodes in loud laughter.

"And I got you pregnant?"

"Nova!" I squeal with my cheeks on fire. I'm serious!

"I'm here, aren't I?" I promise you that what we had wasn't just a.

"Megan, tell her something!"

But she laughed at me, too.

"I'm sorry, but I can't," she kept laughing, leaning on Isaac so she wouldn't fall.

How come they are not worried about rumors?

"Shall I tell you who could have had a threesome?" Nova motivated, and Rafa jumps on her quickly, covering her mouth.

Does it really only affect me? Having a bad reputation won't help me in the cheerleading leader votes.

"You know you didn't do just that, do you?" Nayet murmured in my ear.

"That's the problem, I still can't remember anything," I admit, feeling my voice tremble as memories of that night come back to haunt me.

Suddenly, a vein appears on his forehead, one of those that arise when he contains the rage that he cannot express.

"You found me on the beach, do you know what happened?"

"No," his tone was curt.


Nayet took her bag, getting up from the table without noticing anyone.

"Nayet?" Nova called, and then turned to me. Were you upset?

I didn't know what to answer. Even I was surprised by his reaction, as if Nayet knew something that happened that night and didn't want to tell me.


Nayet still hasn't returned and lunchtime is about to end.

From a distance, I observe and analyze the group of friends. They're just two tables away from me.

I look at Rafa and he gets up, going towards Carolina. She blushes immediately; It is obvious that he has been waiting for this moment, the instant when his crush invites him to be "alone".

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