Harsh truths (but not really)

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There's a writing competition in my school
This year it's about 'Beautiful Truths'
The title makes sense
Truths are beautiful
And precious
And often rarer than they should be

The thing is
I don't really have any truths to write about
I had an existential crisis a while back
Figured it out
Decided to choose to chill the fuck out
And live life
I also figured out that I don't owe my identity to anyone
Whether they agree
Or disagree
It's not going to change because of other people
I don't owe them my life or choices
Free will and all that

I don't live a hard life
It's not perfect
But really, is anyone's?

But yeah, not a hard life
Middle class, first world problems
I've got a mostly functioning family
Can go to school
I'm pretty smart, I'd say

The most advice I really have is just for everyone to be honest and be kind
There's a value in my country I disagree with
It's not the greatest word choice
You're tolerating difference
You don't like it but you can't do anything about it
Tolerance is not acceptance
Accepting others
Welcoming their difference
Their truth
So to speak

I can't write about war
Or school shootings
Drug dealers
Living on the streets

It's not my truth
It's not my story to tell
(It shouldn't be anyone's story to tell, really)

If everyone were a little kinder
More understanding
We'd probably live in a better world indeed
(But that's just my opinion)

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⏰ Last updated: 6 hours ago ⏰

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