NOTE - Co-star of my life

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What's up?

After not publishing anything since 28th of December (yeah, sorry- but chapter 5 is at its 85%, maybe. I'm just adjusting it and changing various things :>), i've returned, although in a different way.

For my study of English, because all the lunami people I met in Twitter don't speak Spanish and because I just can and want, this is the same story some people have read until its currently last chapter in its English version.

I gotta say, however, I'm not a native speaker of English, so I'll be using an online translator and dictionary for some parts and words of the story and maybe it won't be as advanced English as you guys could think.

Now, for new readers and not Spanish speakers, I'm saying the same I said in the note of the original version: This story, besides romance, is about the personal growth of the characters, since they are adults with a career and their own conflicts.

This story is long-lasting and I'm not a constant writer. My inspiration comes and leaves so often and I, above writing, love drawing. Also, it will have bitter and cruel points, touching some sensitive topics as suicide (although it won't content explicit sex), without letting apart soft and sweet moments and obviously showing that topics as BAD and unhealthy. I'm not pretending to hide its consequences, but I don't want to write something disgusting as much as I'm not pretending it to be monotonous.

Also, even though Lunami is the main couple to develop, there will be some more that you'll see as the story advances (none homosexual).

So, will you enter this alternative world hidden among letters? Will you meet its characters and their no easy relationships? There we have:

Two that, with very different ways of thinking, find each other and share feelings.

Another two that, united by that which separated them, meet again.

Two trying to fit between complete puzzles.

A twist of fate leaving someone who will never be completed again.

A couple that rises from the ashes of another.

Isolation. A lot of isolation.

And... maybe more?



Co-star of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now