Prologue - Part 1

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—I envy you, sea. The storms shake you, humans don't stop contaminating you and, even so, you keep being there. It's stupid, but... —laughed softly, closing the eyes— what if I fell, becoming more of the crap you constantly receive...?

That person's last words were a praise to the sea, with what during many, many years of life, only could dream. They were an expressed envy, the only one from that person who could never have felt it for someone else. But, above all, they were cruelty, because when life hits you it is hard and when those who you love do it is even harder, but if the wound was made by silence and you realize that you can't even get answers among your forgotten memories, you know that there's been a before and after and that it will never ever be like that "before" again.

However, although that was cruel, it will also be to not mention any more about cruelty, because many times that who makes suffer, has suffered. This is how that person's last memories expressed it.

Every thing that did wrong and didn't know how to change anymore.

Every thing left behind.

Broken dreams and, especially, the memory of those smiles that would never see again, not only because was sinking to the seabed but because probably in much time, if not ever, they wouldn't appear.

It is sad, but the saddest is that that person's farewell was addressed to the waves, as transparent as blue, and not to those who, when found out, suffered the most.

Who am I talking about?, you might ask.

Well, for that we have to go even further back in time, since from that moment on that person would be nobody, just a memory gradually losing its clarity until disappear because, as a wise man once said, someone's dead doesn't happen until be forgotten.

But now it's not the moment to find out that person's identity.

Let's move on to another moment, to another place.

Relax and enjoy the little moments of joy of an innocent family.

United States

A small house on the outskirts

—Gen! Gen!

A girl of about 6 years old, with short and tangerine hair, drew the attention of that one whom everyone, except them both, called Genzo. Even though they didn't call him "dad", he was like their dad.

Of blood? No, but none of the 3 present cared about that fact. You even could think that two young girls wouldn't be aware of this, but the truth was that they perfectly knew their situation, since their raising was based on the moderated realism, a mixture between fiction and reality.

The sisters were very united to that man. That was a bond of a hardness that very few equal and much fewer overcome.

A six years old girl, Nami.

Another 2 years older, Nojiko. Blue hair, contrasting with her sister's.

And Genzo, dark-haired and with a windmill on his head, on the point of answering his younger daughter.

—Tell me, Nami.

—Do you see that girl there? —she asked, pointing to their old TV on as she looked to her dad's eyes with the shining gaze with which any curious kid could captivate many.

—The one on the screen? It is a character —he was patient, very protective. He would never be capable of snatching that sparkle in her eyes. If she had to lose it, it would be because of time, that changes everything.

—Why does she have the same face as another character in the series we saw the other day?

—Because they both are played by the same actress.

Nami opened even more her eyes, almost like an owl. Nojiko laughed at her, but for the younger it was something without importance and, after a sideways glance, she returned all her attention to her father.

—Actress? What's that?

—Well, do you see she's not a cartoon, like others?

—Yes. She's like Nojiko and you. Has skin.

—We could describe it that way —nodded softly, as he smiled— Well, in series like that, in which characters have skin, they are actually people in costume being filmed.

—For real?!

The tangerine girl jumped, startling the rest of people inside the room. When she sitted again, Genzo answered:

—Sure thing. They are called actors and actresses and their job consists in interpreting the role of a character. Right now you are watching one acting.

—Their job? Do they live from living the character's adventures? Very exciting! —she gave her opinion, with a tone of voice that showed how excited she was, to then add: —Gen, do you think I could be an actress?

Both her sister and dad looked at her, so excited and smiling.

—If that's what you want, I'm sure that you'll achieve it —assured, caressing the head of his beloved daughter as the older moved closer, a bit jealous, and they ended up hugging together.

Did that girl become an actress someday?

Of course, as soon as she graduated.

She chose the Performing Arts Career and got her degree. Meanwhile, she debuted in a short film about the way in which having a friend in your life helps you, where she met the dark-haired actress with who she would share hundreds of afternoons in front of a cup of coffee speaking about various topics.

As a result, she would start to apply for numerous castings, being chosen in some of them.

Besides that, she would meet Vivi, her reliable manager, although she wouldn't understand the intentions behind some of her actions and questions.

But, suddenly, something would change. If you asked her, the young actress of twenty-six years old would totally refuse to answer how it happened, and although she had the intention, she wouldn't know how to say it, but suddenly she stopped working to live and started living to work.

So, how did she arrive to that point?

Well, probably that is something you will find out at the same time as her. 



How was it?

Did you like it? Feel totally free to give your opinion, I read y'all.

Who do you think is "that person" that fell into the sea?

Also, this was less than 1,000 words length, but I promise from chapter 1 it will be a lot higher (and increasing in each chapter, lol).

I don't know what to say, so please keep reading if you liked it. I'm gonna translate all the other parts as fast as I can.

The next is the prologue, second and last part, focused on another one special character.

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