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"That is not the best choice of words doll."
He replied to your nasty comment.

"And we need to talk. You know it, I know it, no avoiding it since you're staying here until I can trust you."
He remarked tilting his head to the side.

"Haha fuck you."
You hissed. (not like a furry, and not that there is anything wrong with being one either.)

"Okay but you just are making this worse for yourself."
He said with a bored voice.

He grabbed a cloth and held it close to your face.

"NO, no, no, no, no, no please no!"
You cried out.

"Why not?..."
He asked raising his eyebrow.

"I will be better I promise pls don't hurt me like that again..."
You started sobbing.

"When did- who hurt you?"
He asked with a concerned look, while his voice said otherwise.

"M, m, my uncle... he screams and hits and punishes...."
You stuttered

"What do you mean by punish?"
Nico asked carefully.

"He, he.... He touches me and hurts me where he shouldn't, he, he, he is going to kill me.
You slightly sobbed.

Before you could react Nico rapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug.
He lightly swayed left to right comforting you as much as he could.

You felt your limbs get weaker and Nico gently picked you up (bridal style) and carried you to the cabin laying you on the couch.

"You need to eat..." he said while laying you down on the couch.

"No I'm not hungry..."
You utter out, that was a lie you hadn't eaten in about a week now unless you count gum and water.

"Y/n." Nico said sternly.

"What?..." you asked weakly

"You need to eat." He said voice stern as he push a piece of fruit to your lips. You moved your head away and pouted your lip, there was no point you were too weak to try anything.

You said stubbornly.

He said gently grabbing your cheeks pinching them together to open your mouth.

You just moved your head down and pursed your lips.
He grabbed your face again looking into your eyes as he talked.

"I will do whatever I have to, to make you eat." He warned you just looked away from him and he signed.

He stuck the fruit in his mouth but didn't chew grabbing your face he, he, KISSED YOU?
He let go and you felt the fruit in your mouth, you felt your cheeks flush red.

"Now chew."
He ordered, and you obliged. Chewing slowly and struggled to swallow.
He looked at you with sadness.

"Here I'm just going to massage your throat to make it easier to swallow."
He said and placed a soft hand on your mouth.

"I'm just gonna cover your mouth just in case, don't freak out I promise I won't hurt you, m'kay?"
You nodded slowly and he gently rubbed your throat, oh gods it felt good.
You relaxed after a while and managed to swallow.
Nico got up to get you a drink to make it easier to choke down the food.

"Here drink some of this."
He said gently, voice soothing.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"
You quietly asked.

"Well even though you are very difficult to handle, you have been through a lot and make it seem like nothing, you are incredibly selfless and loving even to some of your worst enemies."
He said as he looked down, mixing the fruits around.

"I think I can feed myself thanks."
You say face flushed.

"No, I will feed you I need to make sure you're actually eating."
He said as he grabbed out a fruit and held it to your mouth. You stared at it like it was going to eat you.

"You alright?"
Nico asked as he looked at you with a deep look like he was thinking really hard.

"Yeah just feel sick."
You say as you looked down. You did feel sick but only when you ate, when you get fat shamed you normally feel so sick you won't eat for weeks.

"Well that's probably because you haven't eaten in WEEKS."
He said looking at you sternly.

You asked, how did he know?

Life is not mine fem reader x NicoWhere stories live. Discover now