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Also I had accidentally deleted a whole chapter without realising soo sorry if the end was a cliffhanger.
Hey everyone just letting you know that I kinda had a mental breakdown and unpublished all of the chapters of my story because they needed work so sorry hope that you all can forgive me

TW: suicid mentions, SH, ED, assault, mentions r@pe, abuse and alcohol, smoking and swearing (that's in every chapter but yeah)

Y/N pov

You sat in your room slowly holding in tears you farther had slapped you and your mother had told you to kill yourself.
You got yourself together and threw on your black hoodie shoving the pack of cigarettes, a lighter as well as a flask of 'spicy juice'.

You slowly crept downstairs to your mum passed out on the couch and your dad in the kitchen grabbing a beer.
He looked at you looked down and then back up this time rage in his eyes you sprinted out the door as he threw a vase at you back the glass shattered on the edge of the door and stabbed your back. You slammed the door shut and hear your father slip and crash on the floor you quickly open the door and see if he is okay, wait a minute.
He grabs you by your hair and pulls you down, your face making contact with the glass on the floor.

"You bitch you think you can escape me?!" You yelled with pure fury in his voice.
"No I was seeing if you were okay!"
You yelled back you were tired of his bullshit his anger was a bond fire but yours was a bush fire, and he knew that.
You get up from under his foot the glass falling off your face.
Your farther grab a small knife on the floor you had a lot of them just laying around he had pushed his limits you were a well respected person and he is not changing that.

"Hun look the bitch thinks she can fight me!?"
"Yeah I really can and out smart you to, I am a well respected person who takes orders by no one and you won't change that CUNT!"
You yelled throwing a kick into his stomach the one made him drop the knife a look at you in disbelief holding his stomach, you knew that you had been born to fight and kicked the knife off the back of your heel and grabbed it mid are spinning around and throwing a good kick to your father's chest sending him to the floor.

"Don't test me."

"I am your father!" He yelled

I screamed at him.
"Yeah, yeah are you going to kill me like how you did your bitch example of a mother."
He hissed.

"Never use her name in vain.."
I warn he knows  I am capable of everything. You walk out the door before your auntie wakes up.
You walk to the cemetery where your mother was buried you loved her but she didn't love you back.
You sit on the edge of the cliff looking down it was pretty high up just enough that if you  in did 'fall' you would die a painless death.
You looked over the edge no people say that they love you but how can anyone I'm useless the probably keep me around so their mistakes and flaws just seem silly.
You start to feel your chest tighten and your breathing become harsh and painful you seal your eyes shut and try not to cry grinding your teeth together and trying to stop breathing over all.
You fail at that and your chest gets even more intense and it felt like your rib cage was growing smaller the more tighter it got.
Fuck I'm going to die like this, I wanted to jump not this way.
You think to yourself your eyes where darting everywhere it felt like you were going to explode, in the end you thought you had finally died your eyes shut against there will and you felt the pain of the glass in your back going in further.
You feel like you can finally breath after laying down for a couple of minutes you calm down and try to get up.
You get up with a little wobble and try to steady yourself you did not want to make a fool of yourself anymore.
You saw someone in the distance running towards you.
You made a beeline for the forest you slid under the branches and into a clearing you look around at the sight that was in front of you.
You saw something crouching in the trees and got into a fight stance you have wrestled a crocodile you can do the same with this thing heard a snap from behind you and whipped your head around just in time a serpent lady looked at you with hunger in her eyes and launched herself at you.
It had beefy red eyes with orange centres, a forked tongue and one long, fat green tail
. You grabbed its arm and pulled her over your head slamming it into the ground, you felt a tail rap around you and squeeze you grabbed the lighter from your pocket and burned its tail causing it hissed in pain.
You grabbed the head and put your foot on the bottom of the tail. Snapping the head off of its body. You felt a gaze behind you before you were nocked to the ground by someone.
"How could you see them?" He questioned while pining your hands above your head. His knee rubbed against your pussy and a slight moan escaped your lips. Fuck you tried to brush it off hopping he didn't hear it.
"What?" You asked. He sighed.
"We need to go." He said as he ran with you to an alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" You asked as he pushed you to the wall.
"It is not safe here for you anymore, you need to leave." He said in a yelling tone of voice.
"OH SO YOU THINK THAT SINCE I AM ABUSED EVERY DAY, AND GET ASSAULTED WHILE HAVING FAKE HAPPY-NESS I AM NOT SAFE!" You yelled this kid was really annoying, with his coal black hair and pitch black eyes. You saw his eyes move around your body, stopping at the bottom of your hoodie. There was a little bit of blood on it from earlier with your uncle. He lifted up your hoodie.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" You say and he drops it looking back up at you.
"Don't worry about it. He said again
"But about earlier... What?" He asked, no you were done you kicked him away and started running.

Hey guys I am surprised that y'all are reading my shitty story please tell me if I need to fix something.

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